Oh man, Intrepid I really enjoy our chat, I can debate as long as I need, and prove your wrong and "un"smart :D to your statement: "You know the style of Goddess hence you are not a new user here but a banned one or just new account for no apparent reason": person really need to be a dumb ass not to now how the goddess acts or says: I have enough exp in internet to know what kind of language these types of people use. so it doesn't prove I'm a banned person :D also I mentioned in my other post, the admin can see my IP address and tell whether I was banned or not :D Second don't be mad, but you're "little stupid" saying this: I am goddess therefore I was banned, where is the logic and sequence of that? And thirdly are you're referring to goddess as an ex user or a person who wants attention? If it's the first, I think you and me have big misunderstanding, if second well you need to be more around in internet, besides this forum :D Now about my Hi I'm a girl, well it's my writing style. And as I'm a girl, so I think a have a excuse to write like that no? it doesn't determine my IQ. my answers to your comments, and even then, because IQ is not only "Hi I'm a girl, but also includes mathematics, geometry and other stuff. (not gonna mention all of them) :D about my bullshitting: what I said was it a lie or wrong? I think it's you who cannot justify LOGICALLY your answers as I did, where you only make comments. I hate repeating myself, but if a person makes a statement he needs to justify it, no? It would be the same as I would say there are aliens in the moon. Where is my proof of that? :D and lastly about your writing: It was like hell grammatically incorrect: I mean the structure of sentences and etc... really I didn't understand. So I would appreciate if you could write it again so "not smart person" like me could understand :DDDDD