Hello Money Makers!
Today I'm gonna present a brand new idea to you!
Digital Generation, also known as Coingeneration has just released their website and program that builds upon getting people to share their computer performance with them to build a super computer. They pay you per "thread" you support them with, and a single computer with average specs (i5 CPU and ~8gb ram) can handle tens of threads at a time. Currently I'm running their program on my computer with a couple of threads, and I'm using less than 5% of my computer's CPU.
The first thread is completely free, which in this case means that you can register
, run the program and earn 1$ a day (30$ a month) without doing anything at all, completely auto-pilot, and at the same time use your computer as normal. You can ofcourse purchase more threads to earn a lot more, but this will cost you a few bucks. If you're sceptical about this, simply register and earn the 1$ a day, every day.
Watch this video!
Thread Chart
SIGN UP HERE: http://coingeneration.com/auth/new/285888/
If u will join under my refferal link send me pm with ur username and i will send u a method how take more threads faster.
For any questions just pm me
http://www.mediafire.com/?53g6yb34cnhyhn8 Here is my new autoclicker to open many accounts and make more money fast..