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  1. It's very good my opinon, of course was few fails but i fixed, can u explain me better where and how ? It's something for here ? else if (_karma > 0 && karma == 0) { // Send a Server->Client StatusUpdate packet with Karma and PvP Flag to the L2PcInstance and all L2PcInstance to inform (broadcast) setKarmaFlag(0); } _karma = karma; broadcastKarma(); } or.. // karma and pvp may not be required if (getPvpFlag() != 0) result |= RelationChanged.RELATION_PVP_FLAG; if (getKarma() > 0) result |= RelationChanged.RELATION_HAS_KARMA;
  2. Hello MxC, Someone can help me with a code ? or How to Fix [interlude]. It's about a bug, for exemple happens... can i pked a player flagged. I hope you understand... i'm very tired.
  3. I will join of course, it's legend server with good Staf, Good LucK , cya in game.
  4. Ok thanks u for share. Google Translate for the win ! In your ScreenShot.
  5. Yes, Nice Help MR. "Legendary Member". Change ur pack, that is ur help ?
  6. Remember that, If change OP_ACTIVE with OP_PASSIVE he need + some changes, for exemple: - Change MP Consume to 0, if it's passive do not consume Mp... but for sure do it. DELETE: <effect name="Buff" time="15" val="0" stackOrder="#spd" stackType="speed_up_special"> </effect> And other... depends by skill.
  7. Salut la toti. xD
  8. I am decarod with Realteк, But I try to help with the example you asked. 1.) Go to: ...data\stats\weapon\6600-6699.xml 2.) Search for: <item id='6608' name="arcana_mace_acumen"> <for> <set val='225' order='0x08' stat='pAtk'/> <set val='175' order='0x08' stat='mAtk'/> <set val='4' order='0x08' stat='rCrit'/> <add val='4' order='0x10' stat='accCombat'/> <set val='379' order='0x08' stat='pAtkSpd'/> <mul val='1.3' order='0x30' stat='mAtkSpd'/> - This is status for 30% more casting. <enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='pAtk'/> <enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='mAtk'/> </for> </item>
  9. Hello MxC Members, My name is Cristian, I am 17 years old. I am new to the world MxC, I am passionate about Lineage. I prefer L2Java. I hope we understand well, fun for all. Yours Faithfully, Aken.
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