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About george91

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. i have test it.Its great thanks :D
  2. gamato to dokimasa kai epiase :D ty for sharing
  3. gamato to dokisamasa kai episase :D
  4. malakia entelws
  5. se enan server p piazw pantos ego egine roll back kai epiase :D.
  6. dn pianei panta an exei kanei kana roll back o server
  7. Katarxin prepei na exeis toulaxiston ena active skill opiodipote.To kaneis pana s kai me to belaki to epiligeis gia na fainetai oti grafei p.x. agilti lvl 10.to exeis epilegmeno kai trabas pic.Briskeis tin foto tin pairneis gia epeksergasia stin zwgrafikh kai alazeis to name t skill p.x. anti agility to kanes duel might.apothikeueis tin kainouria foto kai les ston gm oti exases ena active skill to duel might se autin tin periptosi an dn se pisteuei t deixneis tin foto kai perneis ena akoma skill :)
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