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About valantis93

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. We are waiting for you ;)
  2. First of all, the server has not custom, specific, farming areas. All areas are active and everyone chooses the place to farm that suits him the best Futhermore, if you noticed, server opened at 4/6 so people are farming and killing raids to get gear, they are not sitting in town. Also, today we had castle sieges, many players logged in to take the castles and of course they brought friends and new players to help them. Our higher number of online players today was 280. By the time I'm writting this post, we have 221 players online. We won't apologise because our community grows fast and we have more players than yesterday. So, if you want to check, log in and do it, taking in mind all those things that I wrote above. I've tried to explain you how the things are, the only thing you've done was making assumptions and being negative. I'm not writting to change minds, just to set things in place ;) We are making a hard work on the server and to grow our community, and those hypothetical posts are unfair for both us and our players. Everyone who want to try us, go ahead, we will be more than happy to see you, for those who don't, have fun wherever you go ^^ PS. I'm a GM on L2Beleth. Best wishes. /edit Because I'm not bored, i took a picture for you. As I said all towns/areas are opened. This is giran.
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