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About ADyGrierosu

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    See you in the next life , brother!

ADyGrierosu's Achievements


Newbie (1/16)



  1. it's a good share but in my opinion the natural things are more good then customs ...but the man update to all this shists nvm nice share^^
  2. thanks you soon I will tell the real start time!we are working at the website at the moment
  3. yes it is possible if you want to know how you can do it tell me some info here or add me on messenger ady_grierosu@yahoo.com
  4. Welcome To L2 Experience http://L2Experience.com Features: -Exp = 10x -SP = 10x -Party Xp = 2x -Party Sp = 2x -Rate Adena = 25x -Drop Items = 5x -Raid Drop = 5x -Epic Jewels= 2x -Rate Spoil = 15x -Rate Manor = 3x -Rate Fish = 9x -RateKarmaExpLost = 2x -RateQuestDrop = 5x -Quest Reward = 5x -Quest Reward XP = 5x -Quest Reward SP = 5x -Quest Reward Adena = 5x -Quest Reward Potion = 2x -Quest Reward Scroll = 2x -Quest Reward Recipe = 1x -Quest Reward Material = 5x -Pet XpRate = 10x -Pet FoodRate = 1x -Sineater XpRate = 10x Custom: -Is not any gm shop you make the items as retail by luxury shop for b grades -Mana potion you can find in any grocery! -Olympiad System Every 2 Weeks -AltWeightLimit : 3x -AutoLoot ON -AutoLootHerbs OFF -AutoLottFromRB OFF -Hellbound Retail Leveling System -Mana = 2000/potion they cannot been use on combat! -QuickHealingPots = Reuse 3sec -AutoLearnSkills(81-85) -ClassChanger Automatic -Subclass without Quest -Nobles with retail Quest -Vitality system retail like -MaxLevelOnSubclass:83 -Fame System -Shift on monster for drop: Enabled -Password change command(.changepassword) -Repair your character location from crit error by(.repair) -All Buffs time same as retail except profecy/songs/dance added time in + =====Olympiad=====: -ClassBased:4 players -NonClassBased:6 players -OlympiadBalanceSystem: All items over +6 go to +6 =====Enchating=====: -EnchantMaxWeapon = 16 -EnchantMaxArmor = 16 -EnchantMaxJewelry = 16 -EnchantChanceWeapon = 66 -EnchantChanceArmor = 66 -EnchantChanceJewelry = 66 -EnchantChanceElement = 50 -BlessedEnchantChanceWeapon = 70 -BlessedEnchantChanceArmor = 70 -BlessedEnchantChanceJewelry = 70 -EnchantSafeMaxFull = 4 =====Clanhalls======: -FortressOfDead -DevastedCastle -Instances-Dungeons -Solo Kamaloka -Pailaka -RimPailaka -Kamaloka -SeedOfDestruction -SeedOfInfinity -BaseTower -InfinitumTower -CrystalCavern -Hellbound Town -Fortres Dungeon. -Castles Dungeon. Events: -Daily Auto Events And Gm Events. WE PROVIDE THE YOUR GAME PLAY YOU PROVIDE THE PLAYERS^^ Please do not spamm this chat!
  5. this topic will be deleted and we will do a new one!a lot of spammers and kick assers without prohibition post and flame them ideas/inteligence...non offence!
  6. is vitally npc and is not working on interlude:|
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