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About djpain

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  1. EH i see no one knows simple code . i'll go get other buffer. Lock thread, or whatever you want.
  2. OMGGG i want to edit it cause it buffs whole party clan alliance and everyone. cant you understand it??? lets say i'm fighter and my party member is mage if i buf myself he gets fighter buff too. i want to change that, and as i said i have learned everything myself thats why i was trying to edit code 5 hours and than asked you to help, but no one cares as i see. i cant believe that no one on this server knows how to edit that code
  3. i'm master on that side, which part doesnt work? you add item and cant see ingame or what? can you explain? you have freya? or other?
  4. i'm not that dumb, i tried player, [player], self, instead of it targets = skillInfo.getTargetList(player) tryed targets = skillInfo.getTarget(player) targets = skillInfo.setTargetList(player) targets = skillInfo.setTarget(player) targets = (player) and ALOT of other things. and as i said. so i have downloaded buffer. which buffs whole party. WHICH BUFFS WHOLE PARTY. i said i want to buff them? so dont spam. I'm not sure but i guess you tried it with "[player]" and not simple "player" so remove the brackets.If it still doesn't work then i don't know someone else should help you.Im not that good at coding. as i said This applies the skill effects to all valid targets. If you only want # # it to apply the effects to the player then you should change "targets" # # in the line below to "[player]". THIS DOESN'T WORK!!!
  5. well i have no idea about guide, i have learned everything myself, but i have explained you how to add custom items, try that somehow.
  6. OMG lol he said custom items not class master :DD. if your pack is l2j go to gameserver/config/characters.properties and find AlternateClassMaster = set it to true. i cant tell you how to host in your country :|. which custom item you want?. well if you want to put lets say new weapon: 1st. put thats in weapongrp.dat in system folder 2nd. put that in itemname-e.dat in system folder 3rd. put that in gameserver/data/stats/items. 4th. if you want to put in gm shop, put that to multisell :D explain which custom item you want to add. . its not easy to explain whole process, when i dont even know what you want to put. ok for now its enought i think.
  7. so i have downloaded buffer. which buffs whole party. cant edit code. need some help. def skillCast(player,skill,level,useAnimation): # # This line is necessary and gets the skill information. # skillInfo = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(skill,level) # if not skillInfo: # return False # ############################################################################ # This line causes the client to display the animation for the # # skill. If you do not want the client to display the animation # # for a specific skill simply set useAnimation to false for that # # skill call. If you want to disable it for all skills simply # # comment out the below two lines. # ############################################################################ # We need to make sure the player has him/herself targetted, but # # we also want to make sure we don't permanently change the target # # so we will save off the current target before changing it to the # # player. # currentTarget = player.getTarget() # player.setTarget(player) # ############################################################################ # This gets all the targets for the skill (self, party, clan, ally, etc...)# targets = skillInfo.getTargetList(player) # ############################################################################ # Now we reset the target we had before we switched to the player. # player.setTarget(currentTarget) # ############################################################################ # This applies the skill effects to all valid targets. If you only want # # it to apply the effects to the player then you should change "targets" # # in the line below to "[player]". # player.callSkill(skillInfo,targets) # return True # ############################################################################ targets = skillInfo.getTargetList(player) how to change it to set target only yourself not whole party clan and alliance? trying to do it 4 hours i'm pissed off :| i'm gonna destroy my computer now. someone help me please This applies the skill effects to all valid targets. If you only want # # it to apply the effects to the player then you should change "targets" # # in the line below to "[player]". THIS DOESN'T WORK!!!
  8. its because of ############################################################################ # This gets all the targets for the skill (self, party, clan, ally, etc...)# targets = skillInfo.getTargetList(player) i'm searching for solution :) i need it too :D i'll post here if i find
  9. l2jserver , core 4608 , dp 7976 , freya for now its precompiled pack cause i'm waiting whole forum to help me with eclipse problem. :| sry for that, eclipse crashes after i write there svn of l2jserver to compile it, and no one can help me. thats why i have precompiled pack.
  10. oh, i read that you have freya sorry man, you know what, take 1 item from etcitem copy and paste make id 44331, dont change anything else, go to itemname.dat take ANY item and just change ID, nothing else, than go to database and add copy apiga and paste with 44331 id. try that maybe it about ID s.
  11. tryskell can you please give links to eclipse? i know how to get last java but not eclipse and subeclipse, please, and thanks a lot for everything. :) and one_1 you cant compile again your compiled version you have to compile from sources like svn.l2jserver.com something like that. (as i know)
  12. ok no one answers me, i have 1 question when i try to compile server, in eclipse when i write svn of l2jserver it crashes without any errors or something just crashes, do you know how i can fix it?i'm waiting more than 1 week but no one wants to help
  13. thanks, anyone else knows anything?
  14. i need help with party duel. it teleports to olympiad. but after lesser than 1 sec it teleports to orc village and starts there, so ppl cant attack each other in village and have to go outside. i want to change the location of party duel OR disable oly teleporting.can anyone help?
  15. he means 2nd. maybe you want to copy paste old npc in mysql, and in gameserver/data/html ? try that
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