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Everything posted by Dieselstar

  1. crappy buffs??? oke mister know it all. why dont u paste a link to those "buff suggestions" a forum is to discuss topics... and help others.. so Don't blow smoke up this Topic. Just log in and add your advice instead.
  2. victory or magnus??
  3. Some cancel others ^^
  4. no and thats a pitty. but what u think? does it need changes? pa'agrios to add or chants? i'm looking for the ulitimate Buff setup ^^ but dont we all.. so feel free to help me out a little
  5. no not on the server im at
  6. if u have some additions please comment Wind walk , shield, g.shield, bless body ,bless soul , magic barrier, bzerk spirit , acumen , empower, wild magic counter critical , concentration , regeneration , mana regen , clarity , bless shield , advanced block , mental shield , resist shock , invigor , resist fire Resist : aqua wind poison , holy and unholy resistances , elemental and divine protects , dance of mystic and concentration dance of berserker and sirens dance earth guard aqua guard alignment and protection , songs : earth life water warding wind Songs : vitality , flame guard storm guard elemental invocation purification meditation and renewal Chants : spirit protection , victory or magnus ( the one you like the most ) pa'agrios fist gift of seraphim , spike , embroider , prayer and noblesse
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