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Everything posted by `Νaminέ®

  1. yesterday's trueBlood episode ending was EPIIIIIIC!
  2. i rly h8 this year. http://webtv.antenna.gr/webtv/truebloodvideo?cid=z5eur_m02_whk%3d true blood episode 20
  3. hmmm i dont know......maybe i will do it.
  4. you are wrong.he gives a small sh1t about us. but you have to ensure that the name you want to be renamed has not already been taken.
  5. That's what i meant. Junk the one and create another one.
  6. no , you would need 3k adena more.
  7. y i dont care bout karma and posts.the only thing i will do is pay for VIP on Namine and trasfer the classes AIO in my name.btw what rly frustrates me is that the 8.5 k adena i had could have been spent in order to make another fellow Donator member :S
  8. Καθόλου πιστεύω. +φώνω είναι πιο σικέ.
  9. go to the site of ant1. they should add the 20th episode at evening i think.
  10. well nvm is was bored of that "VaXiL1sB@cK"
  11. w/e what i want to tell you guyz is never to trust somoene without having met him. I actually now Loathe him !
  12. That happened ( the acc share) yesterday.
  13. Anyone who does not believe that i added him to help should contact me in order to give him some proof.
  14. Well In order to organise things. I am Vaxil. I wanted to help nosfekain to stop acting foolish and letting other make fun of him.I talked to him to help. Then He started the idiotic things like karma abusing and he was begging me to share my acc with him. I did it. I am stupid. I know i am. But y' know...I took a precious lesson.And all that idiotic stuff about homosexual activities were nothing but a mere lie. Some guys here should remember that i showed them photos of my gf in the pic topic.That's all i had to say.
  15. Καλημέρα σας. Εμένα πάντως μου αρέσει πολύ η ελληνική γραμματοσείρα αλλά όχι τόσο πολύ η Νεοελληνική Γλώσσα.
  16. Πόσο μάλλον να εμπιστεύετε το acc του....
  17. Συγνώμη που παρεμβένω αλλά ποτέ κανείς δεν πρέπει να εμπιστεύετε άτομα με τα οποία δεν έχει έστω και μια φορα βγει έξω και μάθει τον χαρακτήρα του.
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