1. Presentation.
2. Description.
3. Fixes.
4. Todo list.
5. Photos.
6. Downloading.
1. Hello, so in almost week I created Event. All Event code is giving full, so please don't copy / steal my credits and all finded my mistakes write in this forum.
2. Event goal is to run from point A to point B. When you run you need to talk with Npc. His name is Finisher. When you talk with him, you will get vitality aura, and that means, that you are in first place, and if you will be talked with npc you will block talking with npc to All! If you die your Vitality aura will disappear, and that means all block to talk with npc will be removed, so other people can talk with npc if no one is talked. And if you turn on Zone mode and configure range from npc, people left that zone will lost his Vitality aura, like when you die. If you die, you will respawn in that place where you die in 10 seconds.
Event states:
Inactive - that means space when nothing is happening.
Participating - registration period.
Teleporting - in that state you will be teleported in or out of event.
Preparing - in this state you can buff your self, you will get Root, so you can't do anything to other players.
Active - this state is whole event action :).
Rewarding - in this state all players will be teleporting to npc and which player is winner, he will get some reward! :)
3. Beta rev1:
Created all system, added npc and created configs.
4. Todo list, hmm I don't know what to do, because by myself I can't find any mistakes in event, so I have 1 request if you find couple or more mistakes please write in this topic, mistakes can be not 1 and not 10, them can be lots! So please write in this topic all mistakes, or fixes, I will try fix all mistakes which you will be writing :)
6. Download - Core
Download - DP
P.S Credits: Erlandys