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Everything posted by xDrac

  1. well colors basically red and black or dunno but more then just two or one. And please not just one or two simple color overlays, and giant letters. I need some prof. Crest :D
  2. Are you really japanese? Because if you were you'd know that most crests look slightly different then just having oversized letters in it and having a simple color gradiant as a background. This is not meant offensive, but still.. I'm gratefull for your tries none the less. :)
  3. The same lol. Letters too big, background too plain. smthing like dat?
  4. hm maybe more red. Thats like pink. And maybe not just some plain color gradiant. Something slightly more complicated maybe? :D And the letter re too big imho
  5. sorry, but I dont like it mutch. The letters are way too big and the background is just plain, simple black.
  6. Tera isnt Lineage III you faggot. They just use the code they had for it back then. Nothing more nothing less. If you'd see NCSofts developing plans you'd notice a name on their list: "Secret Project". I wonder if this might be L3? I doubt that they'll drop it, considering what a sucess Lineage was, in korea as well as in europ, basically around the world.
  7. Well it still can be discussed imho. There should be an L3 and I'm eager to know how people imagine it to be like. Plenty chronicles will need to release, but still. I think everyone here somehow hopes for L3 to release. After all you just need to compare L1 and L2 to realize what a huge difference it is. Who wouldnt like to play Lineage with top notch graphics? With a brand new system? We can still guess around and tell our opinions, cant we? Eventhough it'll prolly take years (1-3 obviously) our imagination doesnt know any limits, does it? Well... was just a brief idea of mine.
  8. I am sure there are plenty of topics like this. None the less all are being burried, provided they still exist :o So I'm eager to know plenty of opinions about certain question about this particular subject. What do you think it'll be like? Do you think there'll be such a big visual difference like in Lineage I compared to Lineage II? What do you think will change? Will game mechanics change? Do you think they will keep the Open PvP / PvP system / Oly etc? What do you expect to be new? When do you think it'll release? Do you think it'll release at all? Do you think they team will do good or fuck it up completely? Explain urself. Do you think there will be any new races or classes added? Please let this topic open. Perhaps sticky it? xD I mean after all this is a discussion about Lineage III! :D
  9. :D Uhm thanks, are you a member I'm not aware of or just being nice? :P Because I wonder.
  10. Something red, background black. Clan & Ally name is Syndicate. I guess either a single "S" or "SY" would be enough.
  11. Well.. if you want fun.. Step in :D
  12. Searching middle rate (x20-x50), no matter what chronicle, 1k+++ on. No BFDR; frintezza, dex, Dreams, paradise
  13. Got banned once as well lol. Made a double post and the entered reason was "Spammer" "This ban is not set to expire." Who knows? Maybe they have something against Germans? :D Seeing how you and me are from Germany, obviously.
  14. aint bfdr epi or something? and too old? khaos has customs and DN is stuck sub
  15. sorry, meant anything higher x20, so pratically said midle-HR
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