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About Rakkel

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  1. Gia se olous X8es m apofasisa na kano ton server m apo epilogue se Interlude... exw psaxi pantou google,maxcheaters ala forums ala tpt den mporo na vrw datapack an exete kana link tha me boi8ousate eyxaristo
  2. vsk oxi man to vrika sto olympia time eixa vali kati lathos..!
  3. smr perasa mia new buffer sto server m kai ekana ena fisiologiko restart kai ti stgmi pou ginotan to rr eklisa katala8os to gameserver kai meta otan to ani3a m evgale ayto pws to diorfono? http://www.uploadscreenshot.com/image/98113/2074127
  4. Sure!
  5. den pira3a tpt! moni to proto gia tin wra
  6. Den Leei san ananoucment Olympiad game has begen as poume oute mporis na dilosis (l2j exw )
  7. Xereto ola ta member tou maxcheater exw ena provlima me tin olympia den 3erw pws na tin ani3w iparxi kapios kodikos px //startoly i //startolympia i kati tetio i prepei na ri8misw sto config gt to ekana ala pali den anigi ama den to dixni patiste edw http://www.uploadscreenshot.com/image/95241/3697843
  8. man wreo to shop ilikrina ala den exei aspides xD
  9. im 23 years old man !
  10. [move]Line][Age 2 gLc 100% Greek server ;)[/move] Server Info! RATES xp: x1000 sp: x1000 adena drop: x500 drop: x10 raid drop: x10 Safe Enchant : +10 Max Enchant: +30 Enchart rate with normal scroll: 89% Enchant rate with blessed scroll: 99% NPC System! NPC Buffer 3 hours buff! Global GateKeeper (farmzone,Levelzone) Vesper Shop Misc Shop GMshop Olympiad System ! Donate Info! WEBSITE: [move]www.l2glc.tk[/move]
  11. se periptosi pou den to ftia3is otan pas na mpis ston server sto config tha sou leei "you Protocol version has different" kai etc opos sou eipa to ftiaxnis :D
  12. den nomizw giayto to ekana ayto to arxeio emena ston server m to eixa vali 1;999 kai den empene :)
  13. Xereto Ola Ta member Tou MaxCheart!!! Simera tha sas dixw pws na deite kai na ftia3ete to "Error ProtoCol Version" Arxika katevaste ayto to arxio .bat ---> http://www.4shared.com/file/UkPzpF9U/See_your_Protocol_Version.html otan katevi kante to aposimpiesi kai copy/paste edw--> C:\Program Files\Lineage II\system opos tin eikona! Amesos meta trexte to tha sas vgali enan ari8mo Na thimaste ton kodiko pou sas evgale... meta pame Server/gameserver/config/server kai vriskomoume to ari8mo protocol kai to antika8istame opos tin eikona twra to mono pou prepei na kanete einai ena restart ton server ! [glow=red,2,300][move]By [DEV]Jimas91* !!!!![/move]
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