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  1. Hes got a point. NCW population minus bots would outcome with even lower population than Innova. The production quality is as high as Innova's since NCKorea sent the same files to both of them. I'm not sure about events though, but is it really what keeps you going when most of the online players are bots? And about professional appearance, I wouldn't say that, Russians still have way more servers and players than NCW has, not to mention the bots... I'm not saying that Innova is the promised land, they have some serious lagg issues and the SS bug (the devs are fixing it already though), but you can't say that NCW overall is better than Innova.
  2. Seriously, you just proved pretty much everything Tipseh said. And he's got a point, L2.ru is getting every update much faster than NCWest, not to mention they're running, not sure how many, 10+ servers? While NCW has barely 5, and everyone is complaining that they're full of bots anyway. Not that Innova doesn't have any bad sides, people are complaining about massive lagg now and then and the population isn't very high either. So can't say that joining either Innova's or NCW servers would be win-win, imo. P.S. No one cares what's your opinion about other countries and how great USA is. Also, you're really ignorant, and the discussion is about servers not countries.
  3. I think they'll probably announce that PTS will open at 30th of November, therefor they'd hijack the most/some of the people from NCWest who didn't get to try new classes.
  4. It's not called Lineage III but Lineage Eternal, therefor it's not L3. So hard to understand?... Lrn2ReadB4UPost
  5. Oh the humanity, you two are in need of a proper education. There are no hidden message in there, nor there is any exact date and/or any other secret/s involved. They're just saying that they're working on it and they don't know when it'll be ready. Change the TV for a book for once. P.S. Autumns calendar months are September, October, November. December is already winter. Therefor my guess is that they'll announce PTS/something by end of November.
  6. Ehem, that's not Innova. Innova hasn't announced an official date yet (www.lineage2.eu).
  7. And what makes you think your server will last more than a week or two?
  8. IMO it's better to have STR+4 and CON+4 and drawing WIT+ INT- as well.
  9. Can't imagine what where you thinking while making this server. Also, I've always lov'd people who thinks balanced class is a ''feature''. And in Interlude (yes, yes it's the real L2)? C'mon...
  10. Very weak server. Server has been on one day with many downtimes since wipe, which means impossible to farm, and yet there's a guy with +16 weapon/armor. Duelists and Dominators are OP, and skills like Summon CP potion has reuse that is longer than hero skills. In other words - not worth spending time.
  11. Making max enchant with normal scrolls +16 would and getting +18 with crystal scrolls would be better imo, also, it'd be better to make blessed enchant rate 75%, cause with 90% it seems pointless to farm for Crystal..
  12. What's the best armor for MS with the only RB jewel AQ, and -4CON in Freya? EDIT: suggestions for certification skills are welcome too.
  13. Anyone happen to have something like this for L2Freya?
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