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Everything posted by j1maras2@

  1. Account Name : Hazardftw Champions Not Owned Rune Page For Crit DMG. and AP (3 Rune Page Incomplete) About Skins Nurse Akali: Noxus Hunter Anivia: Desperada Cassiopia: Corpotate Mundo: Shadow Evelynn: Sanguine Garen: NightBlade Irelia: Commando Jarvan: Vandal Jaxs: Deep One Kassadin: Mercenary Katarina: Karate Kennen: Pestigious Leblanc: Sorceress Lux: Assasin Master Yi: Candy Cane Miss Fortune: Pentakill Mordekaiser Void Nocture Forsaken Olaf Sewn Chaos Orianna: Perseus Pantheon: Freljord Rammus: Royal Shaco: Surfer Singed: King Trynda Black Belt Udyr Viscero Xin Zhao I Timi Arxinaei apo 50 euro
  2. If you are willing to open your server like l2lava make it safe/max 25 and pvp zone primeval island[also respawning there] and ofc on a dedicated server.
  3. to gs h to ls evgale kapio error? an nai diksto mas.
  4. i would suggest www.ovh.co.uk because they have low prices , see below: with at least 1gbps lossless[20tb bandwitch] or 10gbps lossless[40tb bandwitch]
  5. etc eine auta, opos akrivos kai to politiko sistima. hehe.
  6. nai mlkies dikes ts. Nmzoun oti mono auta ta diasima kanoun oli ti doulia.
  7. auto me thn epilogi ine sto loginserver.properties nmz. to allo ine sthn db , dn thimame pio table.
  8. worldstream.nl , server4you , hetnzer pia apo tis tris na dialeksw? i giga dn exi k toso kales times soz
  9. Gia sas, ekana auto to topic gia na akousw apopsis gia thn eteria tophost se sxesi me ta dedicated server pou dini. Pisteuw oti exi kales times alla dn ksrw tin piotita tou internet Parakalw kapion p exi pc h eixe s auth tn eteria n m pi pos itan. Auth pou den exoun pari pc apo eki den xriazete na kanoun post ti nomizoun gia thn tophost giati isos dn eine alithia,kai apla na akougete. Thanks.
  10. Yparxoun pola endexomena. To pathenis kai me alla chars auto? mpori m auton p kolises n itan kolimenos apo prin.
  11. ah i forgot you'r the dev there. There are many more people that say you've got many bugs.
  12. @Krash The thing is , that they have more than the usual bugs you can find on an interlude pvp server.
  13. Pios kseri mallon petai error otan stuckaris. Dikse to error an exis. An dn exi error kati exis kani lathos sto core.
  14. You have to notice that this server L2Sandora is the old L2Liberators or whatever it was named before. They don't deserve to have such a player online amount like they have now. No bug fixing or just they just rarely fix them , no care,no experience,only donate.
  15. You're able to use ss[no grade at least]if you have the top no grade weapons. That's all i got from asking a player.
  16. tora oli oi server exoun reuse sta potion
  17. mhn spammaris gt th s vazoun - karma. tcp : to xis perasi auto? http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=70691.0 an nai vale delay sto use tou cp potion h genika sta potion an dn ksris pos vres m to id tou cp potion k grapsto edw k th s pw pws.
  18. nai kala ta lei o iparis to power prp n anevasis.
  19. pio pack exis? nmz ktlv ti fix prp n s dwsw.
  20. show us your laptop in order to see what hard disk it is able to use.
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