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  1. So i can use only l2net on my current server im playing , but i can feed my pet is the only thing i want to use sin eater right .. . I know i need a script for that but i cant find anything about it , even here . If someone know something about that will be great :)
  2. That was not my question xD , i need an script like that but for just for spoil. Only if the main char is spoiler i can use that script .. i want the spoiler just for follow / spoil xD
  3. killik you are the men :) tnx a lot for that , l2net just work fine now with that script :). Now is not necesary l2waker ... but im traying to useit anyway xD . Tnx a lot, is there any script = like this but for follow (?) is for my asist spoil xD
  4. Ok , i will try that on l2net so will see xD. i finally can use 2.13 and 2.17d using tcptunnel , but is the same... va worst , when is use the option "auto atack" instantly get (ilegal activity.. etc etc and get kicked).. so i dont know if an server security or what : / i use the option on 2.17 for disable gameguard or emulate but i get the same results. Ideas? PD: Great killik , l2net works fine right now :). Just need 1 acount with walker and thats it xD PD2: Dosnt work autospoil on l2net (?)
  5. Server version : gracia final (http://www.ancestralgames.net/), Well here is the thing , i try the walker version 2.05 2.09 2.13 and 2.17d , and i only can do work 2.05 / 2.09 . The versions 2.13 and 2.17d donst verif in game so i cant usit at all, using or not using L2WBypass v2 donst help there to .. Well the problem is on other two versions using the "active follow" option, when i used automatic i get kicked for (ilegal activity ... etc etc etc) i can use all the rest options like auto fight etc... not allways ... some times i get kicked to using autoatack , is a little random -.-' so i dont understand why . I use the host : localhost nProtect.lineage2.com l2authd.lineage2.com l2testauthd.lineage2.com I try one GG killer from here but dosnt work (modify the dsetup).. so i dont know what else i can do .. : / any help or dvice is well come :) The problem with l2 net is .. all the program jeje, items dosnt show on menu so i cant use ss , pots etc . Skills dissapear or apears random , so cant use that to... auto spoil donst work to . Auto fight / follow without problems. I use the last version on main page . PD: Sry my bad english :)
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