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In the archives of source code for SVNa 24.05.2010 Custom SVNa for 24.05.2010 This source code provides ample opportunities for developers and experienced users to create a game project. If there is sufficient knowledge you can easily make changes to the current version of the code, compile and create a server for your needs LOGIN - Fully cleaned and updated - Translated into the use of our libraries - Rewritten logger CORE - Fixed port for pati-Duel (now correctly arranges all participants) - Fix all possible NPE in pati-Duel - Fixed all types of skills TARGET_AREA_CORPSE_MOB (correctly identifies all the dead targets) - Fixed skill Spoil Festival (now the character is on the next flagaetsya flagnutyh players) - Removed unnecessary Pocket and NPE error after applying the skill type Sweep - Edit Quest "Matras Curiosity!": Quest item is a quest after vydovalis - Added a new type of skill for UNLOCK_SPECIAL instovyh and quest keys - Added a new test for the skill in the ID of a door opening (<target doorId="1,2" />) - Added support for the skill areas (format <stat name="skills" val="id1,lvl1;id2,lvl2" />) - Implemented the ability to install point for the Spawn character at creation (CustomSpawn = True in custom_mods.ini) - HellBound: altered checks go to 8 levels - HellBound: optimized code in Leveling_System - HellBound: corrected the error and changed conditions in a manager CB - HellBound: added weapon RB - HellBound: implemented night debuff - HellBound: prohibition of duels on HB - HellBound: management spawn Greater and Lesser Evil - Added configuration, which allows to make the aura of champions (ChampAura in Champion.ini) - Clan ships: the beginning of the implementation of autopilot (not activated) - Fixed bug that caused the damage of the fall height after teleport height - Display the date the amendment to the console (removed the problem with strings in the console Wind) - Optimization of system messages (removed unnecessary creation of objects) - Launch of the multilingual system (test line for avtoiventov) + configs - Fixed Premium store under the final client (was under epilogu) (utranyaet problem with incorrect displaying large number of item is in the store) - Fixed problem with "Can't see the target" with Reid and Epic + bosses have their minions (the rules only when using geodata) - Antharas AI: fixed a bug that allowed to enter Antharas after his death, if used OldAntharas = False - Underground Coliseum: Implemented 80% (short of dialogues) - HOTFIX blots in the previous release - Completed yet at 100% localization for avtoiventov - Clan Ships: implemented button "Destination Map" - Clan Ships: Implemented fuel consumption - Clan Ships: implemented autopilot on "Destination Map" - Clan-boats: small improvements in the management - Geodvig: Fixed a bug with the impossibility of attack is too high mobs - Added protection from readers with Premium Store - Continued work on the optimization of system messages - Fixed entry in HB without quest (removed all restrictions, teleport, call friends and others, provided EnterHellBoundWithoutQuest = True) - Added ability to set currency to prime Shope (GamePointItemId in custom.ini) - Fixed error in announcements for the Event - Switch to log4j - Remove jdk logger and incompatibilities between the logger - Improving geodvizhka: finalization of geodvizhkom (need test) (on the order pasnouty) - Fixed bug with inability to take the flag on CTF - Added ability to close and open necessary doors for Event - Added support for Spawn mobs out HB special table levels (disabled until the table fills) - Implemented update the mobs after the change of the level of HB (disabled until the table fills) - Update of libraries and methods - Beginning of global optimization (removal of unnecessary code, reducing the use of memory and CPU) (completed 30%) - Fixed Spawn time Chimeras on HB - Spawn is enabled by lvlu zone for HB - Cleaning scripts from spawn mobs HB - Quest Gather The Flames: fixed bug NumberFormatException - Quest Gather The Flames: fixed dialogs for NPC Hilda - Added support for testing professional. parameters on the skills (<cond>) (<target param="val" />) - Modify the effect of "Magic Bottle" on Ofu (now does not kill the mob) - Added support for testing purposes on XP skills (<cond>) (<target hp="val" />) - Fixed NullPointerException in L2PcInstance.restartSoulTask () - Fixed NullPointerException in L2World.getVisibleObjects () - Complete localization for bafera (PS and PVP komyuniti) - Added support functions for the localization system + edit empty link - Fixed a limit of 4 clan for the clan hall siege Rainbow Spring - Attempt to fix the Buffs from impruved pets (need test) - Fully implemented localization, support any number of languages Islands (needs translations) - Optimization: continued work on improving - strongly accelerated Parsee htm files - Event engine: added possibility to skip the scoreboard with the score with the participation of two teams (EventShowScoreBoard = True in fun_events.ini) - Antharas AI: Critical Fix Spawn - Fix Yip skill according to a new disk imaging with Ofa (no longer operate on the epic bosses) - Quest Gather The Flames: Fixed Drop - Hellbound: now teleport from warpgate'ov account settings EnterHellBoundWithoutQuest - Hellbound: fix respawn - 90% completed yet Underground Coliseum (until the need for proper verification pati) - Localization: fixed dialogs for tutorials - Fixed Parsi htm files for Unix systems - Fixed offline Crafter after rebooting the server (needs tests) - Fixed reading package RequestOustPartyMember (now can not cause errors) - Fixed NullPointerException in CharKnownList.forgetObjects () - Fixed NullPointerException in L2World.removeVisibleObject () - Fixed NullPointerException in AbstractNpcInfo.NpcInfo () - Fixed NullPointerException at L2Character.callSkill () - Implemented command on / off avtoluta. Autoloot,. Aulootherbs (+ configs) - Fixed teleport the PC in all towns and locations - Fixed Bottle of Souls (now properly require a soul) - Fixed drop kursed veponov - Fixed disappearance of the peaks of paylaki - Added support for skill at the time of day (<nightskills, <dayskills) - Implemented upgrade skill area by changing the time of day - Fixed effect of DOT skill, now do not inflict damage on the immortal characters - Fixed AI mobs in the PISG (needs tests) - Fixed setting stayAfterDeath for DOT skill - Fixed sorting of goods in stores - Event engine: The opportunity to invite players on the Event through dialogue, question (EventShowJoinDialog in fun_events.ini) - Reorganization of the config - Added configuration to select the start date of the arena in Underground Coliseum (UCWarDay in alt_settings.ini) - Optimization: accelerated search for ways to html your language - Added an exception to the invisible files (for those who constantly forgets datapapke folder. Svn) - Added support for the team. Lang - Optimized to obtain the skill (reduced load on the server to the database, increased speed of processing) - Fixed problem with avtoizucheniem skill (when he gave not the last level of skill and had to complete their education at NAP) DATA - Updated the structure of the base tables (installation) - Removed from all mobs extra skills (for characters) - Edit Quest "Matras Suspicious Request": fixed links in dialogs - Edit Quest "Meeting with the Golden Ram": now it is disposable - Edit the quest "In the Name of Evil: Part 1: Fixed config for the quest item is drop - Edit Quest "In the Name of Evil: Part 1": transcribed dialogues - Edit Quest "Meeting The Elroki": transcribed dialogues, corrected reference - Fixed landing zone in the Seed of Infinity - Fixed skill value Hurricane Armor according to Ofu - Added a missed teleport from goddarta in "Monastery of Silence" - Added drop with RB Hellinark - Made teleports in forts Hive, White Sands, Archaic Fortress, Monastic, Narsell - Added debuff zone CB, and Blazing Swamp, fix the skill areas - Fixed skill Insane Crusher according pachnodu grace finale - Implemented all the way sharpening skill: Soul Web - Implemented all the way sharpening skill: Chain Lightning - Implemented all the way sharpening skill: Curse of Life Flow - Implemented all the way sharpening skill: Oblivion - Implemented all the way skill enchant: Weak Constitution - Implemented all the way sharpening skill: Thin Skin - Implemented all the way sharpening skill: Enervation - Implemented all the way sharpening skill: Spite - Implemented all the way sharpening skill: Mental Impoverish - Implemented all the way sharpening skill: Restoration - Implemented all the way sharpening skill: Restoration Impact - Implemented all the way sharpening skill: Soul Harmony - Implemented all the way sharpening skill: Magic Impulse - Implemented all the way sharpening skill: Protection Instinct - Implemented all the way sharpening skill: Vampiric Impulse - Implemented all the way sharpening skill: Appetite for Destruction - Implemented all the way sharpening skill: Force Blaster - Fixed item is: Caravaner's Remedy may not be sold or vybrashen / transferred - Fixed item is: Certificates can not be sold or vybrashen / transferred - Fixed item is: Fixed license to fly (now is not transmitted) - Clan ships: fixed type of one of Supervisors (now yuzayutsya all dialogs) - Quests: Fixed quests Special Bait (id 50, 51, 52, 53); - Implemented all the way to sharpening skill Prominence - Implemented all the way to sharpening skill Inferno - Fixed values in the skill Bleed, Danger Area (added to the levels velechinu damage) - Continued work on areas (skills) - Added five branches in sharpening skill Lethal Blow - Fixed missing strings in the localization - Fully realezovan skill "Tribunal" - Fix skill Judgment - Fix skill Arrest - Fix skill Lightning Strike - Fix skill Stigma (100% transmission) - Implemented all the way sharpening skill "Greater Shield" - Implemented all the way sharpening skill "Resist Wind" - Implements all the way sharpening skill "Wind Shackle" - Implemented all the way sharpening skill "Drain Health" - Implemented all the way sharpening skill "Sprint" - Fill the table to spawn HB - Cleaning tables related to duplication - Added locations for HB - Change stats Failan's Guard - Updated store removal of SA from Mammon (Added all Masterwork Weapons) - Added all Masterwork, Pvp, Shadow Armor sets - New directory structure of scripts for the localization - Added dialog for the quest "Seaof Spores Fever" - Translated some lines for Event - Added dialogs for Underground Coliseum - Added pvp-zone for the underground arenas Coliseum - Localization: the first part of the translation HTM - Added missing spawn on the Primeval Isle - Hellbound: Heat at CB now only day - Fixed sellers in the Fort - Fixed type and stats for all NPCs in the forts - Removed duplicates mobs in the forts - Fixed damage skills for areas now do not disappear after death - Implemented all branches sharpening skill Hurricane Assault - Implemented all branches sharpening skill Force Burst - Implemented all branches sharpening skill Force Storm - Small fixes of the same skill (fixed level of charge required focus from 2 to 1) Download http://depositfiles.com/files/l63niymrt
LOGIN - Fully cleaned and updated - Translated into the use of our libraries - Rewritten logger CORE - Fixed port for pati-Duel (now correctly arranges all participants) - Fix all possible NPE in pati-Duel - Fixed all types of skills TARGET_AREA_CORPSE_MOB (correctly identifies all the dead targets) - Fixed skill Spoil Festival (now the character is on the next flagaetsya flagnutyh players) - Removed unnecessary Pocket and NPE error after applying the skill type Sweep - Edit Quest "Matras Curiosity!": Quest item is a quest after vydovalis - Added a new type of skill for UNLOCK_SPECIAL instovyh and quest keys - Added a new test for the skill in the ID of a door opening (<target doorId="1,2" />) - Added support for the skill areas (format <stat name="skills" val="id1,lvl1;id2,lvl2" />) - Implemented the ability to install point for the Spawn character at creation (CustomSpawn = True in custom_mods.ini) - HellBound: altered checks go to 8 levels - HellBound: optimized code in Leveling_System - HellBound: corrected the error and changed conditions in a manager CB - HellBound: added weapon RB - HellBound: implemented night debuff - HellBound: prohibition of duels on HB - HellBound: management spawn Greater and Lesser Evil - Added configuration, which allows to make the aura of champions (ChampAura in Champion.ini) - Clan ships: the beginning of the implementation of autopilot (not activated) - Fixed bug that caused the damage of the fall height after teleport height - Display the date the amendment to the console (removed the problem with strings in the console Wind) - Optimization of system messages (removed unnecessary creation of objects) - Launch of the multilingual system (test line for avtoiventov) + configs - Fixed Premium store under the final client (was under epilogu) (utranyaet problem with incorrect displaying large number of item is in the store) - Fixed problem with "Can't see the target" with Reid and Epic + bosses have their minions (the rules only when using geodata) - Antharas AI: fixed a bug that allowed to enter Antharas after his death, if used OldAntharas = False - Underground Coliseum: Implemented 80% (short of dialogues) - HOTFIX blots in the previous release - Completed yet at 100% localization for avtoiventov - Clan Ships: implemented button "Destination Map" - Clan Ships: Implemented fuel consumption - Clan Ships: implemented autopilot on "Destination Map" - Clan-boats: small improvements in the management - Geodvig: Fixed a bug with the impossibility of attack is too high mobs - Added protection from readers with Premium Store - Continued work on the optimization of system messages - Fixed entry in HB without quest (removed all restrictions, teleport, call friends and others, provided EnterHellBoundWithoutQuest = True) - Added ability to set currency to prime Shope (GamePointItemId in custom.ini) - Fixed error in announcements for the Event - Switch to log4j - Remove jdk logger and incompatibilities between the logger - Improving geodvizhka: finalization of geodvizhkom (need test) (on the order pasnouty) - Fixed bug with inability to take the flag on CTF - Added ability to close and open necessary doors for Event - Added support for Spawn mobs out HB special table levels (disabled until the table fills) - Implemented update the mobs after the change of the level of HB (disabled until the table fills) - Update of libraries and methods - Beginning of global optimization (removal of unnecessary code, reducing the use of memory and CPU) (completed 30%) - Fixed Spawn time Chimeras on HB - Spawn is enabled by lvlu zone for HB - Cleaning scripts from spawn mobs HB - Quest Gather The Flames: fixed bug NumberFormatException - Quest Gather The Flames: fixed dialogs for NPC Hilda - Added support for testing professional. parameters on the skills (<cond>) (<target param="val" />) - Modify the effect of "Magic Bottle" on Ofu (now does not kill the mob) - Added support for testing purposes on XP skills (<cond>) (<target hp="val" />) - Fixed NullPointerException in L2PcInstance.restartSoulTask () - Fixed NullPointerException in L2World.getVisibleObjects () - Complete localization for bafera (PS and PVP komyuniti) - Added support functions for the localization system + edit empty link - Fixed a limit of 4 clan for the clan hall siege Rainbow Spring - Attempt to fix the Buffs from impruved pets (need test) - Fully implemented localization, support any number of languages Islands (needs translations) - Optimization: continued work on improving - strongly accelerated Parsee htm files - Event engine: added possibility to skip the scoreboard with the score with the participation of two teams (EventShowScoreBoard = True in fun_events.ini) - Antharas AI: Critical Fix Spawn - Fix Yip skill according to a new disk imaging with Ofa (no longer operate on the epic bosses) - Quest Gather The Flames: Fixed Drop - Hellbound: now teleport from warpgate'ov account settings EnterHellBoundWithoutQuest - Hellbound: fix respawn - 90% completed yet Underground Coliseum (until the need for proper verification pati) - Localization: fixed dialogs for tutorials - Fixed Parsi htm files for Unix systems - Fixed offline Crafter after rebooting the server (needs tests) - Fixed reading package RequestOustPartyMember (now can not cause errors) - Fixed NullPointerException in CharKnownList.forgetObjects () - Fixed NullPointerException in L2World.removeVisibleObject () - Fixed NullPointerException in AbstractNpcInfo.NpcInfo () - Fixed NullPointerException at L2Character.callSkill () - Implemented command on / off avtoluta. Autoloot,. Aulootherbs (+ configs) - Fixed teleport the PC in all towns and locations - Fixed Bottle of Souls (now properly require a soul) - Fixed drop kursed veponov - Fixed disappearance of the peaks of paylaki - Added support for skill at the time of day (<nightskills, <dayskills) - Implemented upgrade skill area by changing the time of day - Fixed effect of DOT skill, now do not inflict damage on the immortal characters - Fixed AI mobs in the PISG (needs tests) - Fixed setting stayAfterDeath for DOT skill - Fixed sorting of goods in stores - Event engine: The opportunity to invite players on the Event through dialogue, question (EventShowJoinDialog in fun_events.ini) - Reorganization of the config - Added configuration to select the start date of the arena in Underground Coliseum (UCWarDay in alt_settings.ini) - Optimization: accelerated search for ways to html your language - Added an exception to the invisible files (for those who constantly forgets datapapke folder. Svn) - Added support for the team. Lang - Optimized to obtain the skill (reduced load on the server to the database, increased speed of processing) - Fixed problem with avtoizucheniem skill (when he gave not the last level of skill and had to complete their education at NAP) DATA - Updated the structure of the base tables (installation) - Removed from all mobs extra skills (for characters) - Edit Quest "Matras Suspicious Request": fixed links in dialogs - Edit Quest "Meeting with the Golden Ram": now it is disposable - Edit the quest "In the Name of Evil: Part 1: Fixed config for the quest item is drop - Edit Quest "In the Name of Evil: Part 1": transcribed dialogues - Edit Quest "Meeting The Elroki": transcribed dialogues, corrected reference - Fixed landing zone in the Seed of Infinity - Fixed skill value Hurricane Armor according to Ofu - Added a missed teleport from goddarta in "Monastery of Silence" - Added drop with RB Hellinark - Made teleports in forts Hive, White Sands, Archaic Fortress, Monastic, Narsell - Added debuff zone CB, and Blazing Swamp, fix the skill areas - Fixed skill Insane Crusher according pachnodu grace finale - Implemented all the way sharpening skill: Soul Web - Implemented all the way sharpening skill: Chain Lightning - Implemented all the way sharpening skill: Curse of Life Flow - Implemented all the way sharpening skill: Oblivion - Implemented all the way skill enchant: Weak Constitution - Implemented all the way sharpening skill: Thin Skin - Implemented all the way sharpening skill: Enervation - Implemented all the way sharpening skill: Spite - Implemented all the way sharpening skill: Mental Impoverish - Implemented all the way sharpening skill: Restoration - Implemented all the way sharpening skill: Restoration Impact - Implemented all the way sharpening skill: Soul Harmony - Implemented all the way sharpening skill: Magic Impulse - Implemented all the way sharpening skill: Protection Instinct - Implemented all the way sharpening skill: Vampiric Impulse - Implemented all the way sharpening skill: Appetite for Destruction - Implemented all the way sharpening skill: Force Blaster - Fixed item is: Caravaner's Remedy may not be sold or vybrashen / transferred - Fixed item is: Certificates can not be sold or vybrashen / transferred - Fixed item is: Fixed license to fly (now is not transmitted) - Clan ships: fixed type of one of Supervisors (now yuzayutsya all dialogs) - Quests: Fixed quests Special Bait (id 50, 51, 52, 53); - Implemented all the way to sharpening skill Prominence - Implemented all the way to sharpening skill Inferno - Fixed values in the skill Bleed, Danger Area (added to the levels velechinu damage) - Continued work on areas (skills) - Added five branches in sharpening skill Lethal Blow - Fixed missing strings in the localization - Fully realezovan skill "Tribunal" - Fix skill Judgment - Fix skill Arrest - Fix skill Lightning Strike - Fix skill Stigma (100% transmission) - Implemented all the way sharpening skill "Greater Shield" - Implemented all the way sharpening skill "Resist Wind" - Implements all the way sharpening skill "Wind Shackle" - Implemented all the way sharpening skill "Drain Health" - Implemented all the way sharpening skill "Sprint" - Fill the table to spawn HB - Cleaning tables related to duplication - Added locations for HB - Change stats Failan's Guard - Updated store removal of SA from Mammon (Added all Masterwork Weapons) - Added all Masterwork, Pvp, Shadow Armor sets - New directory structure of scripts for the localization - Added dialog for the quest "Seaof Spores Fever" - Translated some lines for Event - Added dialogs for Underground Coliseum - Added pvp-zone for the underground arenas Coliseum - Localization: the first part of the translation HTM - Added missing spawn on the Primeval Isle - Hellbound: Heat at CB now only day - Fixed sellers in the Fort - Fixed type and stats for all NPCs in the forts - Removed duplicates mobs in the forts - Fixed damage skills for areas now do not disappear after death - Implemented all branches sharpening skill Hurricane Assault - Implemented all branches sharpening skill Force Burst - Implemented all branches sharpening skill Force Storm - Small fixes of the same skill (fixed level of charge required focus from 2 to 1) Download http://depositfiles.com/files/bte4kq6cp
[Share] Freya mobs adapted for Epilogue
capaji replied to Legend™'s topic in Client Development Discussion
where screen -
Download http://depositfiles.com/files/dmyejodje http://www.4shared.com/file/2fR36vNA/la2base.html Download source GeoServer Lineage2 Interlude from the team la2base http://img248.imageshack.us/img248/6291/la2baseshare.jpg Download http://depositfiles.com/files/j4ov34bnl http://www.4shared.com/file/y98EskHG/la2base_geoserver.html
CORE - Optimized output function of the character from the game - Fixed a bug with the purchase / replacement professor during ejection from the game or reloga - Fixed reward quest "Head for the Hills!" (C'mon Fighter shots, instead of magnetic) - Completely rewritten quest "Supplier Of Reagents" (properly accounted quest Reith, now supports all mixes for boxes from Final) - Added support for attribute Stones Rough Ore - Ability to use Telnet from any IP address (ListOfHosts = in telnet.ini) CORE - Fixed a bug that does not work restrictions on the skills, if they were confined - Fixed system messages on the limitations sharpened skill - Fixed bug with count shaft joint venture with mobs - Minor new features loot the quest item is introduced in the last release (now properly considered the chances of loot in the light of concurrence in the config) - Fixed function to boxes (mix of reagents) - Fixed quest "Go To The Pastureland" - Fixed quest "A Special Order" - Introduced Sustom Clanhalls (13 new KX with the auction) (additional KX, with an entrance through the teleporter NPC) (UseCustomClanHalls in custom_mods.ini) - Launch of the issuance of premium item is a Dimensional Manager (Off-like) - Added a system of awards for victory in the siege of the castle (needs tests) (Siege Reward System in custom_mods.ini) - Implemented to random point teleport your character in the cities, cad, forts, etc. (Off-like) (RandomRespawnInTownEnabled in custom_mods.ini) DATA - Clan Ships: added missing dialogues (function freezing) - Added restrictions on the use of the item is paylaki on Olympus - Added dialogs for Airship Controller, who summon - Added dialogs for custom KX CORE: - Added display of character direction to the team / loc (only for GMs) DATA: - Implemented modified stats for rare (RB) transformations Quest 10282_GuardianOfSafety Quest at Lekon Download http://depositfiles.com/files/sstu6wv4s http://www.4shared.com/file/kpSv16EP/inhap_Rev_181.html
CORE: - Fixed config OfflineCraftEnable and correct definition of the type off-line store - Implemented saving and loading offline karfterov - Fixed NPE bug in L2Party.getLeader () - Vangeance-skills: Now, upon reflection, the damage is only on the caster - Vangeance-skills: now correctly reflect the type of skills CHARGEDMG - Fixed effect of all skill NEGATE (now correctly clean the effects of skill with multiple effects) - Fixed AI Soumont and NPS (now time off an attack by an invisible targets) - Fixed AI NPCs (now correctly identify the characters in the Fake-des and supersede attack) - Improving the AI (accelerated reaction to the death of target) - Improving geodvizhka: added test for the Z axis while moving Chara (should remove the bugs with "jumping" across the floors of the towers) (required tests!) - Fixed activation effect Bluff (spread) on the skill of different types - Added support for the effect of Cancel (<effect name="Cancel" val="0">) - analogue type skill CANCEL DATA: - ZakenCurse: fixed appointment NPC (do not recommend you use the Custom quests from l2emu. They do not pass our test.) - ZakenCurse: removed excess logging - To scroll transformation: added constraint - can not be used on Olympus - To scroll transformation: the transformation of fighting me to be the correct character on the stats of transformation - Fixed NPC skills Muertos Captain, Platinum Guardian Archer, Platinum Tribe Archer - Fixed effect of turning on the Scylla Blinding Blow - Implemented effect Cansel for skill Touch of Death - Fixed value for the SA Crit. Damage to Vesper Shaper - Critical Damage - Fixed Raith loot for the quest Heart In Search Of Power - Added missing spawn for Four Goblets - Added multisely for Court Magician - Master Zelos minions (Tully workshop) 1st floor - Master minions (Tully workshop) 3rd floor - Fixed quest Fate Whisper (choice of ways to complete the quest) - Fixed item is for the quest to Bayoumi (not transmit) Download http://depositfiles.com/ru/files/j62eahv4i
CORE: - From this moment on, all quests will be updated only in the nucleus (option CustomScripts disabled) - Update security code (required test) - Added maintaining "link" to the dialogue of the quest - Translation of AI OlAriosh on Java - Temporarily disable loading custom Event (to be added to the config) - Fixed config AltMobMaxDist for mobs who spawn on the location DATA: - Fixes for receiving a buff from Newbie Guide - Fixed interaction tutorial quests - Completed yet skeleton quest How to Oppose Evil (short of affixing the names of the mobs to loot) - Added dialogs for Custom Quest How to Oppose Evil (soon to be finalized in office. Infe) - Removed double quest Matras Suspicious Request (+ amendments) Download http://depositfiles.com/files/1lo5iibws
[Share] L2J-CE (CKA3KA EDITION) rev.681
capaji replied to capaji's topic in Server Development Discussion [L2J]
no source supercritical -
[Share] L2J-CE (CKA3KA EDITION) rev.681
capaji replied to capaji's topic in Server Development Discussion [L2J]
already translating community -
[Share] L2J-CE (CKA3KA EDITION) rev.681
capaji replied to capaji's topic in Server Development Discussion [L2J]
screening series Supernatural, translated in English -
[Share] L2J-CE (CKA3KA EDITION) rev.681
capaji replied to capaji's topic in Server Development Discussion [L2J]
remove html_rus