Some time ago I have been creating custom npcs for boys L2 Sepultura server, always having they such exclusivity now I share for you in this thread.
This package include:
- A common npc level descender.
- A custom freight for those items that are not tradeable, non sellable and non dropeable.
- A crafter who can make things even without all materials, must pay the difference.
- A shop of Weapons, Armors and jewels already enchanted.
- A semi automatic AIO generator.
- A buffer where indicated by their html files their buff and prices.
- A manager or administrator of a donor list that uses the following buffer.
- A clanhall buffer which can only use members of the clans that appear on the donor list managed by the manager of it.
All are for chronic Interlude and come in versions L2JArchid, L2Jequal, L2Jenova y L2JTeon.
NPC: 715 Desleveador
Desc: Descend a level for the amount and item that we indicate in __init__.py
NPC: 736 Freight Custom
Desc: Swap the objects that we indicate in the __init__.py designed for items who by any conventional means could change hands. Use a file called f_736_freight.txt located in the root folder of the server (included).
NPC: 940 Crafter Shop
Desc: Make objects with all or some of the materials, complementing with adena based from the prices of the database. Use a file called f_940_recipes_by_item_id.txt located in the root folder of the server (included).
NPC: 978 Shop Enchants
Desc: Shop for Weapons, Armors or Jewels enchanted. By html file you indicate the id of the object, the level of enchants, the price in the form IdItem,Amount. Just putting those parameters detailing the name, grade, type and attack or defense according to the level enchanted. Of not having the required items report which and how many are missing.
NPC: 986 Generador Teu
Desc: Create pjs 'All In One' semi automatically. The GM seeks, selects and enters to a list a pj and this last one must tell the npc then the new name and which class you want to finish of five predefined. Use the files called f_986_chars.txt, f_986_skills.txt f_986_log.txt and located in the root folder of the server (included).
NPC: 995 NPC Buffer
Desc: Buffer almost complete that you can add more buff through buttons on their by html files in them which indicates the id of the skill and the price of each, without having to touch the __init__.py and can recharge html while the server is running.
NPC: 996 Gestor ClanHall
Desc: This npc manages a list of donors clans to which assigned a month of privileges to use clanhall buffer. It detail information useful for gms and when are less than seven days for the month met, warns to members of clan remaining days with a message on the window of the system. Use a file called f_996_clanes.txt located in the root folder of the server (included).
NPC: 998 Buffer ClanHall
Desc: This is the same buffer 995 but with a security system to provide services only to members of the clans that appear on the donor list managed by the manager npc 996. Also gives buff to chars without clan and until two subclasses. Use a file called f_996_clanes.txt located in the root folder of the server.
Download Pack (English Version)
Without more laps I leave, I hope some of this will serve you. Enjoy it!