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Everything posted by z3rocool

  1. [RO] - Caut romani interesati sa deschidem un server. Am tot ce trebuie incepand cu server dedicat pana la domeniu si webhosting. Dar duc lipsa de oameni cunoscatori catusi de putin de java sau sa ma ajute cu setari, creare npc-uri, armuri, client modd si multe altele. Pentru mai multe informatii dati-mi add pe skype: cretzuwtf [EN] - Looking Romans interested to open a server. We all have since dedicated server to the domain and webhosting. But lack of people who know the least bit of java or help me with settings, creating NPCs, armor, client mode and more. For more information give me add on skype: cretzuwtf
  2. UPDATE: 157 SKINS and other 7 uniq icons !
  3. I can help for no money add me on skype cretzuwtf We will talk there everything !
  4. Hello everybody ! :D I want to sell an account of League of Legends + original mail ! Account have the following things: 147 Skins [pax, riot, arcade, legacy, legendary, ultimate, victorious and many more] 19 pages of runes [allmost all Tier 3 runes] over 40 uniq avatars 114 champions [Missing: Heimerdinger, Kog`Maw, Vel`Koz, Viktor, Xerath] 19535 IP 205 RP Platinum Frame + Icon from Seasone 3, Gold Icon from Seasone 2 Never banned/chat restricted Platinum 4 Team 5v5 Diamond 5, 0 LP Solo Q For any other informations please contact me over the skype or facebook. [i don`t stay on forums/websites or other kind of websites] Price: 160 EUROS [PSC / PAYPAL / WESTER UNION] I WILL NEVER GO FIRST ! IF YOU WANT TO SEE THE ACCOUNT I WILL SHARE WITH YOU OVER TEAMVIEWER OR SHARE SCREEN [sKYPE] Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ragestalker Skype: cretzuwtf THANK YOU VERY MUCH !
  5. BUMP! 110 euros today !
  6. bump 150 euro only today ! 147 skins UPDATE !!
  7. Price only today 120 Euros !
  8. Update: 140 Skins
  9. Make me an offer on privat and we will talk ! Thank you !
  10. I want to sell account Diamond 5 this seasone, platinum last seasone + rewards, gold seasone 2 + rewards. Account is from 2012 ! Account contain following things: - over 2k wins [over 8k matchs played on it] - all champions without 5 of them - 136 skins [legendary, rank rewards, championship riven, legacy, pax, riot, ultimate and many others] - 19 pages of runes [allmost all tier 3 runes] - over 40 uniq avatars - Platinum frame, icon - Gold 3 3v3 TEAM - Platinum 3 5v5 TEAM - 17k IP - 200 rp FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT ME & MAKE ME AN OFFER FOR ACCOUNT ACCOUNT COMMING WITH ORIGINAL MAIL AND HE DIDN`T WAS BANNED Posibility of contact: Skype: cretzuwtf Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ragestalker You can contact me very fast on facebook account ! I WILL NEVER GO FIRST !!!!!! Thank you very much for your cooperation !
  11. This guy is a scammer. So care ! Maybe account is stolen too.
  12. Account was Platinum in Season 3. I AM THE OWNER AND I GOT REGISTER MAIL TOO ! Account Infos: - 111 champions - 123 skins [Championship Riven, Victorious Janna, Victorious Elise, Riot Graves, K9 Nasus, Pax Sivir, TPA Shen, TPA Nunu, TPA Ez, Profesor Ryze, Pirate Ryze, and many many more] - 20 custom avatars - 14 pages of runes [i got allmost runes] - over 4100 normal matches [win / lose] - over 800 rank matches [win lose] i got a good MMR also - 429 RP and 558 IP [actualy on account] Account is in present Silver IV because i transfered from EUW i don`t know why so low. ACCOUNT HAVE ALL REWARDS FROM PLATINUM so don`t worry.
  13. Hello, do you want account on EUNE with championship riven? Account was Platinum in Season 3. Account Infos: - 111 champions - 123 skins [Championship Riven, Victorious Janna, Victorious Elise, Riot Graves, K9 Nasus, Pax Sivir, TPA Shen, TPA Nunu, TPA Ez, Profesor Ryze, Pirate Ryze, and many many more] - 20 custom avatars - 14 pages of runes [i got allmost runes] - over 4100 normal matches [win / lose] - over 800 rank matches [win lose] i got a good MMR also - 429 RP and 558 IP [actualy on account] Account is in present Silver IV because i transfered from EUW i don`t know why so low. I got only code too but i will not go first !
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