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Everything posted by xpose

  1. No use the guy want to add you like admin and you help him for something witch for 10 min conversation i couldnt undestand....
  2. Why you report bugs here?Report it on their forums
  3. 85+ online atm
  4. As i said rly good server no bugs good balance etc but online players like 20-25 atm....It just need advertisment
  5. Yes the gms need to make smth about the advertisment....
  6. Really good server nice features and active gms its perfect!
  7. Thanks for learning me how to sale...But a guy buy it already so close the topic :]
  8. Who told you that you need to work 1 week on smth to be cool/unical? Im sure i can make a web for 1h+ and it will be 10 times better than your 1 week work design witch basic color is yellow and the header is a man on horse jesus
  9. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT! And still its like 10 times better than your shits. thanks to all but please don't spam my topic anymore
  10. Price: 50 euro PSD FILE ONLY!
  11. I rly care about your oppinion.
  12. ok i'm trading this template for a domain.Pm with more info
  13. witch will cost you 200 $ or more...
  14. cookies?
  15. so you need like one skilled in two things and one i other 2 or have to have skills in all 4
  16. bump know price is 10 euro(last price)
  17. bump know price is 20 euro
  18. bump
  19. bump
  20. bumb know price is 40 euro(it will include a banner too)
  21. 50-60 euro
  22. It includes html/css code too! Price: Negotiable
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