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Newbie (1/16)



  1. WeLcome To l2main InTerlude PvP Server 28.01.2011 Server Rates: « Exp: 1000x « SP: 1000x « Drop: 7x « Adena: 1000x « Spoil: 7x « Quest reward: 7 x « Safe enchant +7 « Max enchant +25 Server Info: « No Custom Armors/Weapons « Multishop « Gm Shop « Npc Buffer ( 10 Hour ) « Global Gatekeeper « Castle Siege Work « Olympiad System ( 1 Week ) « Agument System « TvT CTF Event « Anti-Phx System ( Auto Banned Account ) « Anti-Helapex System ( Auto Banned Account ) « Subclass Work ( No Skill Bug ) « All Skill Work www.L2main.net
  2. L2Hazard Have Depmax 64x STD . Custom Mod FULL.
  3. NO İTEMS Donate ..
  4. 1 weeK Later Open Beta.
  5. not 8 gms .. the site hasnt finish yet.
  6. Interlude Features It is important to familiarize yourself with our server's features if you are considering playing with us. We have some of the top Interlude files available within the entire spectrum of L2 private servers, with all major features working flawlessly. If there is anything you can find that does not work, so report it to us in bug section in forum. Lineage ][ Interlude Features (L2OFF): •L2OFF •All Interlude skills •Flawless Geodata •Olympiad working •Auto-Learn Skills •Fusion skills working •7-Sings working •Clan system working •Augumentation system •All Interlude areas •Single and party duel •Cursed weapons •Castle sieges •Clan Hall sieges •24 buff slots •10 Debuff slots L2 Hazard Informations : Chronicle : Interlude / C6 Experience Rate : 35x Adena Rate : 100x Buff System - Buffs 2 hours. - Dances and Songs 2 hours. - Prophecy's, COV 45 minutes. - Summon Buffs 2 minutes. Lair of Antharas -Farm Zone Lair of Antharas. Enchant System -Safe enchant for weapons and armors: +3. -Safe enchant for main armor part: +4 -Armor enchant rate :%55 -Jewel enchant rate : %44 -Fighter weapon enchant rate : %44 -Mage weapon enchant rate: %33 Hardware Informations : Processors : Intel Dual Core Dual Xeon 5150 RAM : 16GB DDR2 Hard Drives : 4*146 GB SAS HDD + HW Raid SATA2 RAID HARD 1 COMİNG SOON !!! www.l2hazard.com
  7. Omg Test Server . Sell Pack
  8. L2Poseidon Not Really server Test Server. and Server Phx mmcore and attackers Fix.
  9. Hello, I Sell L2Poseidon Pack Test in Server. %99 Skills Work %99 Class Balanced. %99 Bug Fixed. And More in Server ;) www.l2poseidon.com FULL PACK 15 Euro Only Paypal...
  10. Lineage 2 Poseidon 100x Server Open Time 18.05.2010 *NO CUSTOM İTEMS *70x Experiance (EXP) *100x Skill Points (SP) *100x Adena * Free 1st, 2nd and 3rd occupation change *Enchant *Weapon Safe (3) Max (20) Rate (%60) *Armor Safe (3) Max (15) Rate (%55) --------------------------------------------------- *All Interlude skills *Geodata *Olympiad working *Auto-Learn Skills *FuLL skills working *7-Sings working *Clan system working *Augumentation system *All Interlude areas *Single and party duel *Cursed weapons *Castle sieges *Clan Hall sieges *24 buff slots *Buffs/Dances/Songs - 1 hour *COV/Prophecies - 1 hour *Cat Buff - 30 minutes *%99 Class Balanced. Processor: Quad-Core Intel ® Core i7-920 RAM: 12 GB DDR3 RAM Harddisk: 2 x 1500GB SATA-II HDD (RAID 1) Network: 1 Gbit onboard WepSite: www.l2poseidon.com Forum: www.l2poseidon.com/forum Have Fun ;)
  11. Rozdex in Msn Please.
  12. Setekh Man Please tell me Msn. Need Archid Premium İnteRLude :D
  13. Archid Premium interLude Ready ???
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