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About mccoy

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  1. i cant pass the loading screen also,strange i was playing last night and now i cant login,since they dont have forums we cant get any info about this bug.
  2. ok im dude can u show me ur so strong economy based server? cause rly i cant belive that 3 ppl online at giran r doin all the farm to sell it on town square,and wtf u mean with structure u beat ncsoft with miracle plans for a new era on lineage or wat? cause i rly cant see ur whole new world from here just more of the same 2 farmzones with 10 mobs each 1 npc shop with high prices for everything u need, and 1 buff npc that dosnt have scheme buffs not a big deal...and again u can provide alot more without using farm to keep ur players busy but u r just too stupid to think in something new besides farm for enchants cya on ur next server with a diferent name in a few weeks ^^
  3. if all u can offer to pvpers players is farm i hope ur server dies fast..... rest in peace,i will not reply anymore to ur post and it will forget soon on the lasts pages of this forums and none will have to see this crap....
  4. its so fuckin stupid to farm on high rates,and this one have the most insane farm i saw on high rates ...... wat next crafts back to the table mengs?
  5. force ppl to farm on high rates is just stupid imo,i tested this server toke me some time to find pvp and test dmgs and skills its rly unbalanced,i was 3 days playing and i never saw 1 sinlge GM online,and for a just started server it means smth,all u can do is farm>buy armor pices>fail on enchant>back to farm on crap farm zones they got 5 ppl online 2 r boots at farm zones,as i wrote before if u wana a economy based server with farm for ur itens system make a low rate with 3k ppl online or u cant compete with dex,rpg-club,dont come here to post pvp server just b/c we dont need to grind for lvls it dosnt means we dont need to farm on ur server,btw gl with balance taking the time that this staff gives to this project u guys r goin to finish it in 2036 !!!!
  6. im totaly up for work for ur itens but not farm for it,if u wana a pvp server with hard end goals u need to be sure of make it with pvp rewards not making farm zones for morons to farm up without pvp,reward raids,events,auto-events,force ppl to go out and pvp doin epics and raids and not buffing and farming alone hide on a small corner,when a server turns out on a farm to enchant ur itens its just dumb.....
  7. clarify it to me cause i cant see the conection with farm and donation,u say if they cut the farm they will have to set donations right? i just dont get it, cause with farm ppl will donate even more if they set a donation system and even more if they put OP ones,so basicly donation grows acording to the dificulty ingame of geting ur itens or b/c of OP itens or rewards,and im not telling em to let ppl get everything in 1 day i wrote some examples of wat i think about scrolls and BOGs as rewards of events or Raids even life stones can be done like this forcing ppl to join events and raid and not just farm on farm zones and buying from gmshops,i just dont like the idea of rewarding farmers on a pvp server and if its wat they wana to do, so be it.
  8. @ joedaflow ,dude pick one or u r doin a pvp server or u r doin a economy low rate so ppl will have to farm out itens and stuffs, belive me u cant stay in the midle we have alot of servers that failed cause they mixed out farm with pvp,ppl that like to farm wont do it on high rates with low population and pvpers wont farm for weeks to start the fun,u can still keep pvpers with Raids droping BOGs instead of selling it on shops, making good events and auto-events with good rewards like BEWS and BEAS just for example but if u rly wana get pvpers with farm u r goin to fail badly trust me,btw i dont hate ur sever jesus, i was trying to bring a few members of my clan to ur server and if i did a reply on ur post i did it b/c i liked the potential of ur staff and ur server and i want it to get better everyday i will never waste my time just to harm ur work i would just pick another server from the list instead.
  9. bad things: * enchant sucess rates r -beep-ed up for sure broke 8 wepons in a row goin to +6 with 75% rates. * attribute system lvl 6 with crystals,should be maxed at lvl 4 or even removed im my opinion. * too much farm for a high rate pvp server i just dont get it srs.... * no buff schemes,they should add it fast and remove element resist buffs if they also remove attribute system. * didnt saw any auto-event running or they set it for a long period duno anyway they should add 3 or 4 auto events and plz not only tvt crap. * u cant get BOG to enchant ur skills also,didnt drop from farm areas and its not add on gmshop also same as bews and beas thing. * average of 10-15 ppl online. good things: * nice GM and staff members so far. * 0 laggs or spikes * 0 downtime just a few restarts anunced by gms * skills working ofc for classes that i have tested so far, couldnt test pvpwise cause of farm crap but looks fine..... * clean NPC all-in-one type where u cant get everything u need. has potencial but in my point of view they should have implemented alot of things before go live and avoid this bad start.
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