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  1. Well, about AW, you can definitely say one thing: it's a server of incredible quality. Good server software, no donations, no corruption, no lags... Everything to enjoy your gameplay, uninterruptedly. Plus, mid-rates giving you a kick-start. Believe me, worth a try! (I tried, and I just can't stop playing there right now ^.^)
  2. And we have regional chats now, because of increasing population! Ye, you heard it right, *increasing population*! (-;
  3. Yes, there used to be one "ruling" clan. But personally, I never understood, and still don't understand, why most of the people are so god-damn-afraid of joining such a servers. It's actually a challenge, trying to rule them out, and challenge means fun! Just looking at the specific AW situation. 3 clans joined, united their forces, and now we don't have 1 sided server anymore. Stop playing care bears, start playing AW! (-;
  4. Yes, we are sure. How would we obtain them, since there are no Gracia Seeds (yet)? Server is retail-like, so obviously no GM shop either. Rantor stated it very well. Organized clans can join serious gameplay in a month or less, that's the whole beauty of AW we're trying to emphasize!
  5. Few words from me, on why it's worth joining Astral World. When it comes to the world of L2 private servers, we have tons of low rates, and not less of high-rates / pvp servers. Astral World, with its x10 rates and retail-like character is very unique project. It provides you with retail-like gameplay all the low-rate players love, but at the same time doesn't force you into hardcore grinding. Here we come to the best part. Server is 1 year old, but thanks to its rates, it is still very appealing option for all the newcomers. Yes, there are ppl in S80 sets, but it shouldn't bother anyone, because you can achieve same in 1 month of not very intensive gaming. If you wanna go hardcore, it's even shorter timespan. To sum up, all the greatest L2 end-game features, retail-way, in a reach of hand! And, only now, time-limited, "newcomer's bonus"! Full vitality (x30 rates on 4th level) and x5 quest drop items. Join fast, it's only temporary boost! Besides all that, it's L2DC, the most feature complete private server emulator; it has experienced staff, that have already proven they know how to make server successful; it has a client-side bot protection, which means fair gameplay for all. What else to say, I strongly recommend giving it a try!
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