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Posts posted by jesusonhorse

  1. C4 - Spellsinger/Necromancer  (LOOL sps, still fapping on dvp killing c greders? )

    C5 - Hawkeye

    Interlude - Hawkeye (the most unbalanced times, lol draco-hawkeye army, 2 shoting each others ... )

    Hellbound - Nukers nuker bubbles

    Gracia - slh - rush impact




    freya- pretty balanced imo, still archers are useless, classic DD classes are slow,so kite-able, slh still OP, but daggers - nukers good tho

    hi5- pretty balanced, classic DD classes with rush-RI ,pretty ownage



  2. Your price is kinda hight mate

    I've sold a account with Blessed Freya Neck and AQ for 100 dolars

    Good luck


    those 2 epics are in sell at aden ~1,5kkk both :) which is like few day of average farm


    /rofl: freya 730kk


    low epics, protections, 83 skills not increasing price anymore, since they are so easy  to get by anyone


    anyway, i still thinks my prices are lower-mid, seen by wat price the others ask ....


    and well , everthings negotiable

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