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Posts posted by roko91



    OP wanted prelude, not C1 downgraded. Thats the point.


    OP asked for the files for him, not what "matters to you". I dont doubt they are awesome and work perfectly, but this isnt the goal of this thread.


    Someone can correct me, but only c1/c4/gf files were leaked (ignoring freya scripts and hf/god+ corruption).


    I offered what I had and he was interested so I gave it. If what you say is true then basically what he ask doesn't exists and the goal of this thread can't be fulfilled. It's better something than nothing... I hope you see my point :)

  2. It will be faster than /target Player :lol:

    You can talk to the tombstone by the simple double click... but when you want to target player's name, you use shift click on the tombstone. You don't need to use /target Player. :P


    Nice idea but I though to move the Tombstone spawn behind the dead player like a real Tombstone above a grave. It's not because I'm lazy to code the thing you say but IMO it would be a little bit better this way :)

  3. I'm thinking about setTarget after the chat window is opened :)


    If you talk about how the Tombstone will know who is the dead player I done it like this:

    you have custom zone in which when player die Tombstone will be spawned (which was Sweets idea).

    In this zone we override onDieInside() method in which we spawn our custom Npc Instance called L2TombstoneInstance for example.

    This Npc Instance have private property L2PcInstance _deadPlayer and method called setDeadPlayer(L2PcInstance deadPlayer).

    After we spawn the Tombstone we simply call it's setDeadPlayer() method and then we do whatever we want with _deadPlayer which will obviously hold the dead player instance :)

  4. You can roughly calculate how much memory you will need by multiplying player count by 2 like this:

    base server usage + (player count * 2) = memory consumed in MB.

    About bandwidth you can calculate it roughly with 50-100 kbps per player. I again say that this numbers are very rough and depend on many stuff like what your server/players do.


    In few words: don't worry about it :)

  5. I mean if the player press To Village immediately, the npc will stay :lol:


    Oh now I get it... Well you got a point :)


    Ofc, will stay. It's meant to stay. But won't disappear, so well, nothing unwanted. The npc is scheduled to despawn right after its spawn and it's 'connected' to the player, so he can go to village  :)


    I guess.. since I didn't checked it deeply  :D



    I think she mean that you don't suppose to steal from that far :D

  6. Also forcing the player to wait 10 seconds before RequestRestartPoint may prevent any unwanted spawn/despawn issues :lol:


    Or we can simply check if dead player instance has Tombstone spawned and handle the case  :)



    The only thing that comes to my head is, "the dead" player will talk to his own grave, lol  :D


    We can handle that too by adding check if dead player instance is the same as stealer instance :)

  7. I doubt that Debian without GUI will take more than 100MB so 4GB even DDR2 should be more than enough for beta tests (even for live if you don't exceed certain player count). Even L2OFF IL can be run with 4GB DDR2 on Windows 7 if you keep you system clean without bloatware.


    About your memory problem it looks like you use too much Xms/Xmx for 2GB RAM. Try to reduce it (I know it's l2j default settings but still you can try as you don't use geodata) and turn off any unnecessary bloatware before running the server.

  8. Tryskell answered to your topic and here is the problem, change the 101 to 100.


    What's the problem with "if (Rnd.get(100) < 101)"? It's like "if (true)" or no if at all (because Rnd.get(100) returns value between 0 and 99 which is always less than 101). It's just inefficient way to say "do it" that's all :)


    Do you tested them on their base spawns or you spawned them? I'm spawning 18286 chest. For now I just added script reload method to gameserver.java, but it's not fix at all. Here is my chests.java : http://pastebin.com/02abU73c , all lines which I've modified was marked - meikis. 


    I tested with their base spawns but I don't believe that matters as the script just requires NPC with registered npcId. So I got no idea what's wrong :(

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