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About minde1

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  1. Hello guys i want present new interlude mid rate server. http://www.l2hadesworld.net/ SERVER RATES xp.35x party exp.1,50x sp.35x party sp.1,50x adena.25x drop.20x spoil.15x sealstone.1x Quest reward.2x Quest drop.5x Raid boss drop.5x ENCHANTMENT(aug) RATESmaxWeapon (simple/blessed) 16 maxArmor (simple/Blessed) 16 maxJewelery (simple/blessed) 16 safe.4 simple.58% blessed.62% Augmentation NG Skill Chance = 5 Augmentation Mid Skill Chance = 10 Augmentation High Skill Chance = 15 Augmentation Top Skill Chance= 25 SERVER NPCsGM shop up to B-grade Event/Vote shop (can be found at GM shop) PC Bang shop (can be found at GM shop Materials recipes shop(can be fount at Gm shop) Materials shop (can be fount at Gm shop) Donate Shop Wedding Manager Augmenter (can be fount at Gm shop) Nobless Trader Classes Trader Buffer+(shema) GatekeeperVortex (Noobie zone/Townships/kingdoms/catacombs/Necropolis) Merchant/Blacksmith of mammon (can be found at Giran City) Additionat Infolife stone/skrols/books (stackable) 26+4 buff Slots (6 debuff) BuffTime 2 hours Class Changer free Sub class free Nobless with caradine letter 65 lvl in GM shop or (nobless trader) Auto Learn skills GeoData+Pathnode Mana potion (1000mp delay 1.5sec) Blessed Enchant after failed item become +3 Karma can be killed in town (use gatekeeper) Karma start drop item from 5 pk poits 1 character can have 4 sub class tvt/dm/ctf events every hour+ (info) PC Bang event(start from 61 lvl) Grand Boss Respawn Time- Valakas: 190 hours + 2 hour - Antharas: 190 hours + 2 hour - Baium: 110 hours + 2 hour - Frintezza: 48 hours + 2 hour - Zaken: 60 hours + 2 hour - Queen Ant: 40 hours + 2 hour - Orfen: 40 hours + 2 hour - Core: 40 hours + 2 hour - Flame of Splendor Barakiel: 6 hours + 1 hour Olympiad1 week period Server Comandsrepair char .repair And even more, join and find out!
  2. hello guys i made my custom teleporter when i press teleport to other zone i got error pack l2jfrozen 2014.6.23 11:23:18 OS : Windows Vista 6.1 (Build: 7601) CPU : GenuineIntel PentiumPro-class processor @ 2395 MHz with 4095MB RAM Video : Intel® HD Graphics 4000 (1247) General protection fault! History: UObject::GetFullName <- TestReach <- UObject::GetFullName <- UStruct::SerializeBin <- (Class Engine.ShadowBitmapMaterial ShadowActor[0]) <- UObject::Serialize <- (ShadowBitmapMaterial Transient.ShadowBitmapMaterial236) <- TestReach <- (ShadowBitmapMaterial Transient.ShadowBitmapMaterial236) <- UStruct::SerializeBin <- (Class Engine.ShadowProjector ShadowTexture[0]) <- UObject::Serialize <- (ShadowProjector 22_22.ShadowProjector257) <- AActor::Serialize <- TestReach <- (ShadowProjector 22_22.ShadowProjector257) <- ULevelBase::Serialize <- ULevel::Serialize <- TestReach <- (Level 22_22.myLevel) <- UStruct::SerializeBin <- (Class Engine.GameEngine GLevel[0]) <- UObject::Serialize <- (GameEngine Transient.GameEngine0) <- UGameEngine::Serialize <- (GameEngine Transient.GameEngine0) <- UGameEngine::Serialize <- (GameEngine Transient.GameEngine0) <- TestReach <- (GameEngine Transient.GameEngine0) <- TArray<< <- UGameEngine::L2SerializeRootSet <- UGameEngine::L2CollectGarbage <- UGameEngine::DetachLevel <- UGameEngine::CheckPurgeLevel <- Level_was_loaded <- UGameEngine::L2_Teleport <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop
  3. server info start today 18:00 UTC+2 Lithuania time :) L2 HadesWorld.net SERVER RATES xp.30x party exp.1,50x sp.30x party sp.1,50x adena.40x drop.20x spoil.15x sealstone.2x Quest reward.3x Quest drop.10x zero hour.2x Raid boss drop.5x ENCHANTMENT RATES maxWeapon (simple/blessed) 16 maxArmor (simple/Blessed) 16 maxJewelery (simple/blessed) 16 safe.4 simple.70% blessed.76% SERVER NPC’s GM shop up to B-grade Event/Vote shop (can be found at GM shop) Donate Shop Wedding Manager Augmenter Nobless Trader Classes Trader Buffer GatekeeperVortex (catacombs/Necropolis) Merchant/Blacksmith of mammon (can be found at Giran City) Additionat Info 36+4 buff Slots (8 debuff) BuffTime 2 hours Class Changer free Sub class free Noblesse with caradine letter 65 lvl in GM/Donate Shop Auto Learn skills GeoData Mana potion (700mp delay 2sec) After death buff on Ultimate Hades totoo (can be found at Donate shop or Grand boss drop 23%)(DISABLED) Simple’s tatto (can be found at GM shop)(DISABLED) Blessed Enchant after failed item become +3 Augmentation NG Skill Chance = 25 Augmentation Mid Skill Chance = 35 Augmentation High Skill Chance = 55 Augmentation Top Skill Chanse=70 Karma can be killed in town (use gatekeeper) 1 character can have 5 sub class Grand Boss Respawn Time - Valakas: 190 hours + 2 hour - Antharas: 190 hours + 2 hour - Baium: 110 hours + 2 hour - Frintezza: 48 hours + 2 hour - Zaken: 60 hours + 2 hour - Queen Ant: 40 hours + 2 hour - Orfen: 40 hours + 2 hour - Core: 40 hours + 2 hour - Flame of Splendor Barakiel: 6 hours + 1 hour
  4. L2 Hades World. http://www.l2hadesworld.net/ SERVER RATES xp.30x party exp.1,50x sp.30x party sp.1,50x adena.45x drop.20x spoil.15x sealstone.2x Quest reward.3x Quest drop.10x zero hour.2x Raid boss drop.5x ENCHANTMENT RATES maxWeapon (simple/blessed) 16 maxArmor (simple/Blessed) 16 maxJewelery (simple/blessed) 16 maxWepon,Armor,Jewelery (Crystal) 20 safe.4 simple.70% blessed.76% Crystal.100% SERVER NPC’s GM shop up to B-grade Event/Vote shop (can be found at GM shop) Donate Shop Wedding Manager Augmenter Nobless Trader Classes Trader Buffer (profiles+schemes) GatekeeperVortex (catacombs/Necropolis) Merchant/Blacksmith of mammon (can be found at Giran City) Additionat Info 36+4 buff Slots (8 debuff) BuffTime 2 hours Class Changer free Sub class free Noblesse with caradine letter 65 lvl in GM/Donate Shop Auto Learn skills GeoData Mana potion (1000mp delay 2sec) After death buff on Ultimate Hades totoo (can be found at Donate shop or Grand boss drop 23%) Simple’s tatto (can be found at GM shop) Blessed Enchant after failed item become +3 Augmentation NG Skill Chance = 25 Augmentation Mid Skill Chance = 35 Augmentation High Skill Chance = 55 Augmentation Top Skill Chanse=70 Karma can be killed in town (use gatekeeper) 1 character can have 5 sub class Grand Boss Respawn Time - Valakas: 190 hours + 2 hour - Antharas: 190 hours + 2 hour - Baium: 110 hours + 2 hour - Frintezza: 48 hours + 2 hour - Zaken: 60 hours + 2 hour - Queen Ant: 40 hours + 2 hour - Orfen: 40 hours + 2 hour - Core: 40 hours + 2 hour - Flame of Splendor Barakiel: 6 hours + 1 hour
  5. Hello cheaters :) i have lilttle problem when i launch game server i got this thing maybe some1 can explain me what wrong My pack "Scoria3.0_u84" Interlude java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.scoria.protection.main at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source) at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source) at com.l2scoria.crypt.nProtect.<init>(nProtect.java:86) at com.l2scoria.crypt.nProtect.getInstance(nProtect.java:77) at com.l2scoria.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:224)
  6. i have this pack but i have 1 problem i cant compile game server maybe some1 can help me?
  7. Bllead i want like in l2phoenix.com stuck sub npc :)
  8. echh links are bads no files
  9. Hello every one i want to ask u 1 thing, do any1 have StackSub mod for INTERLUDE Server. Thx ;)
  10. Hello every one i want to ask u 1 thing, do any1 have StackSub mod for INTERLUDE Server. Thx :)
  11. maybe shared long time ago maybe no but il make this dual i work all night cuz it hard to make orginal enchat gloving :)
  12. Hello everyone i want ask u guys how much time must be active augumet skills reuse retail like with buff and w/o buufs
  13. foto u can find in rar
  14. here is my first custom weapon for IL all dual stat like tallum*dle when enchant +4 or more u got bonus like tallum*dle foto: dual dragon slayer.rar Credits: minde1
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