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About razvypp1

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  1. based on what u said i turned on Short attacks ,and put spells there too , it works great now . Tnx
  2. I am running OOG Walker for epilogue it works great , but i have only one problem , i set it up for my SH , use far settings etc , range 500 , And i must Check the Box "Attack and run" or else when a melee monster get near and it attacks me , my sh attacks directly with sword :/ , if any one can help plz do it :p
  3. ok guyz i think i know the solution to your problem on them working on windows 7 , i am using this version on Win 7 and it works 100% , the solution is very simple , you right click -> proprieties somewhere you have the option to open apllication as in a previous version of windows , just select Xp sp 2 and play the game . Gl to you
  4. Hello guys , I have a problem , i was using OOG Oracle walker 10.9.8.e on l2exotica.com server , it worked very good until a wipe and i think he changed some thing at server cause now , i can login with it but it will not attack a target if he policy -> when a target (normaly 500 for range , 100 for melee) i must put it 1500-2000 or else is says something about No mons nearby even if they are in the range,The option attack and run doesn't work , and on my mage it waits a few seconds between skills , even if they are loaded and target not dead . Please if some one can help me , i would appreciate it . tnx
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