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About ObNixilis

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  1. Yea.. unlimited bufflosts are even worse than unbalanced custom items
  2. What about buffslots? I hope u have some limit there...
  3. Farm system sux anyway... titan w franzy is the only way to farm. I made a suggestion to change it but no1 cares.
  4. About 10 ppl in giran and ~2-3 parties in costom zones. I have no idea where are other ppl if theres 250 online.
  5. Dude.. this happens anyway but if 3rd class buffs are retail like ppl who cant box have disadvantege. We are talking about cov/prophecies/siren/rene/champ right? (anything else?) For archers.. u need oly cov.. so u box WC and cat - 2 boxes.. sux For mage u have to box BD and sws - again 2 boxes (3 if u want pony) So ppl have to run around with 2 boxes all the time to be competitive in pvp. Really dude.. if u are looking for playable support classes.. low rate server is the way to go. Buffs with short duration doesnt change dmg... what would do is removing those buffs from the game but im not sure if ppl would like it.
  6. 3 min or 20 min cov doesnt matter at all... ppl wont play WC as main. 3000x l2j sux coz non of those server has limited buffslots. About low rates servers.. i have played in 5x -10x a lot and if i want to play with retail buff times ill join a low rate server again.
  7. I dont get it.. how is boxed WC going to balace classes. Ppl still have cov on all the time
  8. For what? PPl wont play active buffers in pvp server. i have seen it be4 and it failed
  9. Why dont u join MXC server if u dont like customs? Imo customs are nice.. its like new chronicle w/o bugged kamaels
  10. Hi Is there any interlude server around including following: Rates 100 - 10000(0) Some custom items (not too overpowered) Not hardcore farming - farming includes PvP - easy mobs so every class can kill them in 2-3 hits but u need to kill them a lot Enchant shouldbe retail like rates and max +16/20 not more Not more than 30 buffslots
  11. Well best balance system is limited buffslots... make it ~26-30 if u dont want to stick with retail slots but unlimited slots are just lol. Theres a reason for buffslots in this game.
  12. Actually all tanks are really powerful.. i tested SK there.. with crappy gear i killed every1 but other tanks
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