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About invitrus

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Server is more than great , Many Rbs which u need for sa , sub etc.....and many pvps:) JOIN JOIN JOIN
  2. Great server, rates are ideal , team gameplay rox , and even on 3-4 am it was 80 ppl online . Join
  3. Booost Mages so if tehy attack from behind they have bigger chance of m.critics :):) kidding
  4. Same with daggers , no mnore never endings blows etc.
  5. Lol u have to vote first to enter site ......PFFFFFFFF
  6. If its Flame , plz delet this post . I logged to l2Paradise......and total extreme mega FAIL , lag , not working NPCs ... once again PyroFail , He will never learn anythink . I'm Glad that u changed date of opening to improve ur connection etc. etc.hopefully we wont have lags and dc every 5 mins . I count on ur server . We are w8ting !!
  7. Pfff once again Bullsh11t about DDOS . It was same like on vendetta Dismay - sorry for lag we are beeing ddosed , sorry we are beeing ddosed ...and again and again. Are they stupid ??!! , when it happens 50x times it means it will happen 51 x and more , so u need protection !! I'm sure it will be hacked in 2 months and close same time , this is how Pyro make money :)
  8. Soz dude I logged 15 times and always after 5 mins dc , Huge Lag . Waste of times ,rly :/ .
  9. U wont miss me ?! Damn I thought there is somethink between us ;)
  10. Now u succesfully decreased number of players on start so u dont have to change connection ROTFL
  11. I've heard that ur changing the date of opening once again ?
  12. Dude just give up . This server has no future , If u wanna make some money u have to ask ur parents to borrow u some $$$$ and buy some domain and server. Its Total Crap . Failure , deep sh11t etc. etc.
  13. I will join for sure couse of features and many GM which are playing a lot in L2(i hate home made servers). buffs rates should be higher like 1.5 more or 2x more . I know that you put big pressure on team play , but u have to get a really big amount of players to get buffed pt which will have pleasure from playing . But even with 20 minutes buffs , amount of players will grown , and u wont lose any Pro Players .
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