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Everything posted by YouWishToKnowMyNick

  1. Hi folks, and welcome to the Boost Club service. Why is our service the fastest in EUROPE? The answer is simple, we are around 15-20 guys that know each other since 2010, and have the availability to boost your account IMMEDIATELY FAST AND CHEAP. All our boosters are good mannered, 19+ years old players and are Diamond since when it got introduced. CONTACT ME ON SKYPE: booster.pro1 or via Private Message
  2. the account is still in sale, pm me for infos
  3. expensive? what's expensive exactly
  4. i changed it and remade screen.. i can repost...
  5. Hi, i'm selling a diamond account that I don't use anymore. I receive offers via PM or via post on this thread. The account has: - 62 champions - Goth Annie, Boom Boom Blitzcrank, Unchained Alistar, Riot Tristana, Gladiator Draven - 6000 IP - 5 Rune Pages - All viable runes (armor, mr, lifeteal, ad, atk speed, move speed etc) http://s14.postimg.org/zbc91kt5d/SELLACCOUNT2.jpg[/img]
  6. come on guys we offer cheap elo boosting, made by pro players averagely diamond 3 to challenger! all of our boosters are professional players who have participated to LAN events including dreamhack 2012
  7. NEW BOOST SITE OPEN, LOW PRICE. Hi, We have just opened a new boost service called LoL-University. http://www.lol-university.net We got real low price, we are safe, fast and professional. You can easy ask everything you want there: http://www.lol-university.net/contact.html We also got a Skype contact : assololuniversity Don't wait to contact us! I won't spam images, but if you need a screenshot of our work, just ask for it Bored to fight for elo-hell? Contact us!
  8. Hi, i'm willing to sell my gw2 account with thief lvl 80 for 30 euros The account has - full exotic flame legion set/weapons daggers+bow/jewels + divinity runes - around 10gold - lots of stuff in inventory - leatherworker 400 level - magic find set - christmas skins and pets
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