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About tiziano

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Server atm is gracia final. im confuse , im not sure if use fire, earth and now mabye dark for drain!jajaja. but Thanks everyone for help. :)
  2. Hello! i need help about choose the best element for dc. i think fire is the best but maybe earth is also good for hammer crush? i think 80% of the server have fire resistance and earth could be other posible option?
  3. hello, i need help with go inside of the high part of pagan temple. i have the qest and i can go to the door of darkness. how i can open this door? i use the darkness key but the key disappear and dont open...i also try open with the skill unlock of the dagger and dont open... please help me. :)
  4. influence if the server is l2 j? ok thanks for help :)
  5. in the server where i play ( gracia final 2) no have diferent using dagger rsk haste or any buff with reuse time of frenzy. this is because is gracia final 2 or other reason? thanks :)
  6. in the server where i play i cant enchant skils of 3rth profesion... and one man tell me that i need a qest for unlock this skils...
  7. work on my server I have to get out of the clan
  8. hello :) im looking for any way for delevel hellbound fast to lvl 1. thanks :)
  9. im playing in l2 j gracia final 2 and i need help with skill enchant. One friend tell me that making a qest u can enchant others skils of 3thrd profesion. i need enchat profeci of wather and others ... Can u help me with this qest? where i start?
  10. nice job i will try
  11. rhodi , this works in gracia final and gracia final 2 ?
  12. ok thamks close the post plis
  13. I test and what does not work on my server :-(
  14. i play gracia final , and dagger is better as cd or as hs
  15. hello to all and always played with Th and e used these tatoos +4 con -4 str , +4 dex -4 str , +4 wit -4 int now my question is for the best tattos for ghosthunter ? and whether better in olis , Focus Death or Focus Power if there is any Ghosthunter specialist who can help me
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