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About FreakaDDD

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  1. Straight to the point. I`m using windows 7 x64 bits atm, I instaled l2net 385 on my pc and a friend made the entire configuration, and it worked, without me having to use, IPJACK(that was on an a gracia server) Now I`m trying to make l2net to work on a freya server, I installed the 386 version everything works, except IP JACK. I deactivated all my firewals and anti virus and any other software for protection and still nothing. BAsically i hit install filter and it doesnt install one, what could be the problem & how can I solve it. BTW: a friend of mine made the same config, except the fact that his pc works on windows 7 x32bits The bigged difference that we saw, was the process naming in the task manager, under the process tab. ON his 32 bits was written l2.exe on my 64 bits was named l2.exe *32 What would you suggest We tried to log in OOG, and it works, we were able to bot it, however on the IG the l2net doesn`t seem to recognize the game 2 hours later i tries a guide regarding a loopjack, still nothing, I`m desperate here, please do replay back The server is l2-divinity.com
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