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About Hector

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. STS no competition.
  2. don't claim those are all your originals, thats a flat lie. I know the people that created several of those tags. I hate people that lie
  3. warlord at caverns
  4. my chance skills kick in alot
  5. anyone say dismay yet?
  6. Bump because we have added tons of skills and made many adjustments to existing skills. Population is growing fast, come see what all the fuss is about.
  7. omg I am friends with crazy, we all miss him. I think he said he might be able to login soon. Is that correct? Tell him to hurry back, and to stay safe. you should ask him to let you play his account, he had tons of gear ;)
  8. Was 300+ before we updated to Epilogue. It took us about a month to get Epilogue fully working, after some system side bugs hampered a speedy recovery. We lost a good chunk of people when they accidentally updated, and could not connect. Also with Epilogue, many people are having GG issue when running Windows 7. We are climbing back since our update, we currently are fluctuating between 60 and 100+. And our pop is growing exponentially everyday. Heck, I would say just try it because all the cute girls that play on Godz.
  9. Thank you very much for the support and we appreciate you choosing Godz when there are so many to choose from. Antarctica? wow :o
  10. L2Godz is a 15x15x15 rate server which has been updated to Epilogue. We have safe enchants to 3 and max enchant to 16. We have a strong player base which is very social yet Godz is also fun for the pvp'er. Geodata is working! Great community, AWESOME sieges, and 180+ level 80+ RaidBosses with S-Grade, Dynasty and Vesper drops. NPC buffers with the BEST Clan Halls around. 24 hour GM support with many events. There's no other place to be. Free TS Server for our players. L2Godz is the absolute premier and best low rate server out there! Features: - Epilogue - Max Level: 85 for main, 80 for subclasses - 30 Second Spawn Protection - Global Luxury Gatekeeper - Custom Clan Hall Buffer - Custom Community Buffers - Custom B grade Shop (Giran and Aden) - Custom Quests - Tattoos for both MDef and PDef functional - L2 Godz Shops (Giran: all-in-one grocer) - Nobless Quest - Olympiad and Heroes fully functional, +8 max enchant for Olympiad - Team vs Team automated events all day! - Custom S grade recipe trader w/100% recipes available - Dynasty Armor and Weapons craft quest 100% implemented - Simple HOSTS file modification is all that is needed to play! - Great Hardware, no Lags - No patches to download, or modifying your system folder, just a simple Hosts file update. - Auto account creation upon first login Many custom mobs including some that drop vesper armor and weapons! ...and more ... but you must find out for yourself! http://www.l2godz.com
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