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Everything posted by Prisoneer1

  1. Hhaahah what are you still waiting !!!! join now ;D and experience the funnies event !! Russian Roulette :D
  2. GMs are very active and cooperative ! Everytime I pm them I get a fast answer :)
  3. uh.. custom items? that sux.. i think its ok the way it is now.. you just need to farm to get items.. and not like in some other servers where you get max equip in like 1week :)
  4. superb server ! with nice community and online gms who actually help with what they can :)
  5. nope.. aint working.. i remember that on c4-c5 when i was using l2utils.. there was an option "Ghost Walls" which edited this file... i didnt know i'd need it now.. so i didnt check what was edited.. :( if u find a way pls post it here
  6. It works on gracia epilogue.. i just wanna ask if it shows dmg on screen and if target is affected/resists your spell.. bla bla? i didnt have time to test it.. i was in a hurry PS.. actually is not working well.. no messages appear on screen.. only some colors work.. and i get some errors..
  7. Hello, Id like to ask before testing.. The file for colour messages work on epilogue? and how can I make some of the message like DMG and %target affected/resisted your xxxx and some more to appear in the center of the screen with big letter and different colours..? like in WoW.. thanks in advance
  8. Thanks it wokrs great ! One more question.. about ghost walls.. how can I make that? by ghost walls i mean.. to see through walls
  9. How can I mod my files to have infinite zoom and color messages which appear on the center of the screen like in WoW
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