31 January 2010 - 12:00 (GMT +1)
Exp : 12 Sp : 12 Adena : 7
Drop : 5 Spoil : 5 Quest drop/reward : 3
Party Exp/Sp : 1.6 Raid drop : 1
Pet Exp : 7
* Account Creator: By Registering
* Chronicle: Gracia Epilogue
* Enchant Rate: 66%, Max +16 (safe +3)
* Fully Attribute system
* Auto drop pickup
* Class Changer for 1st, 2nd and 3th class
* All skills working properly (include forgottens)
* Lvl 80 subclass
* 20 Buffs place + 12 Dances/Songs
* Retail-Like buff duration
* TvT Event every 90 minutes
* Olympiad every month (Most balanced Olympiad with +4 items)
* Full Geodata & Pathfinder
* Fully Working Fortress
* Fully Working Gracia Pets like: Fox Shaman, Fairy Princess, Spirit Shaman, Owl Monk
* Custom Event: Sack Herbs
* Skills without Autolearning
* Fully working Kamael Traps
* Changed Crafting System (Item crafting is now faster)
* Proc: i7 920 4x 2x 2.66+ GHz
* Memory: 8 GB DDR 3
* OS: Debian x64 5.0
* HDD: 2 x 1 TB RAID 0
* Bandwith: 1 Gbps
* Location: France
Software – L2J
Added 3th Skill Class enchant and 99% Fixed Hellbound Island (Quest inc.)
Server Website (Still in maintence)
Server Forum