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About Th3J0k3rZ

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  1. ok. thank you guyes. topic is locked
  2. ok . i just thought there would be a html file (or something)that would say some good balanced thinks xacxa
  3. and how can i know when it will be balanced?
  4. Hello Guyes. I have opened a L2j server in Freya Client. I want to know if there is a code in order to be the classed balanced. Please if anyone knows something or if there is a topic please post it here
  5. opws eipe k praktoras banan007 xD apla psa3e kai kanto import mesw navicat kai bale t analoga files ston server k eisai ok an 8es pereterw help apla pes t edw
  6. loipon file prin kaneis topic mporouses apla na psa3eis ligo alla tespa na ena link me guide gia Freya Buffer http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=196510.0 elpizw n s help
  7. loipon koita. gia na kns to skill pio grhgora prepei n alla3eis ekei p leei <set name="hitTime" val="1800"/> kai na to kns ligotera. arketa gia na to xrishmopoieis pio grhgora allazeis <set name="reuseDelay" val="1200000"/> kai to kns k auto polu ligo gia na krataei san buff parapanw allazeis auto <effect name="Debuff" time="60" val="0"> kai kns to time parapanw kai tr gia na pianei ligotera allzeis auto <set name="power" val="40"/> kai to kns 20 pes m an epiasan ola
  8. akou dei3e mas to html tou skill 8a sou poume t na alla3eis
  9. ok. thnx
  10. axaxxa i know i'm noob in linux but if i don't try how will i learn?? xD so i must just download putty??(it is a programm??)
  11. what is putty??
  12. Guyes anyone know how can i use (or find)SSH programm in order to manage my Deadicated server??(it has linux programm) If anyone knows please answer to this topic Also if there is any topic for this problem post it here (i searched but i didn't find anything. if find one post it here) Thnx
  13. I want to ask everyone for the help Topic is locked now
  14. ok man thank you very much
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