Dismay is garbage. Owner purposely, does not fix issues that will close the gap between donators and non-donators. Donators running around with star wars weapons while non-donators break 20 weapons to get 1 weapon to +5. Karma systems is busted rediculously broken to the point donators A-holes that are lvl 80 go around pking lowbies at places like DVC and have over 150+ pk's and they remove karma in 1 mob.
Best part is, you will have donators, pretending to be non-donators ( cuz nobody admits to donating on dismay, they all say they made +12 s grade legit with .0005 % chance to succeed ) will rush to say I am wrong, and enchant is good, and I'm a QQ noob.
Don't worry scrubs, there's way more people that will back what I am saying than what VIM can come up with.
enjoy your 300 max players VIM, that will be 100 in just a few days chump.