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Posts posted by sNNNx#TeaM?

  1. Ok, here is my honest opinion.It sucks because of the following reasons:


    -This style ALWAYS destroys signatures only because you ALWAYS make them too -beep-n' overlighted and like the colors of the signature are blured or something.

    -Big Size.

    -Big Borders Size.

    -One-colored simple text, bliax...

    -You can see the black/white result that sucks because of the first reason I posted.Look how much overlighted it is and you hardly can see the render and some of its points in that mess...


    Final Conclusion: Change style because with this one you ain't making anything "WOOOOOOOOOOW"





    sx , ok we know u dont like his style. why u post always the same comments ?


    Where've I posted those comments again?

  2. Then I'm curious of seeing what place will your style win in an official Singature Contest in one good forum and not in a shity one with 5 members online like Delta Vision or something...

    That style all does to the signatures is to low its quality and look like blured..

  3. Ok, here is my honest opinion.It sucks because of the following reasons:


    -This style ALWAYS destroys signatures only because you ALWAYS make them too fuckn' overlighted and like the colors of the signature are blured or something.

    -Big Size.

    -Big Borders Size.

    -One-colored simple text, bliax...

    -You can see the black/white result that sucks because of the first reason I posted.Look how much overlighted it is and you hardly can see the render and some of its points in that mess...


    Final Conclusion: Change style because with this one you ain't making anything "WOOOOOOOOOOW"

  4. Den eimai ratsistis. Iperaspizome tin elalda kai to mellon mas. Simera o sx abrio enas allos. Kai esti ginete kiolas kaie ksw apo to forum kai to internet.


    De me niazei ti e8nikotitas einai apla tou sigrinw ti dikia tou me ti dikia mas. distixws gia afton menei ellada 8a sebete tin ellada. De me niazei an 8a sebete emena. 8a sebete tin elliniki simaia, tin peri8alpsi pou to prosferei kai tous kanones mia xwras




    ZWo, mathe na sevese gia na se sevontai, Ellinas, Alvanos, Pakistanos i otidipote allo eisai..Den tha sevastw ute tin xwra s, ute tin Simaia s ute tpt ama den me sevastune "ekeina" panw apo ola.Got it?

  5. Δήλαδη θα αφήσουμε τον sX και τον κάθε sX να βρίζει την σημαία μας και την χώρα μας και θα προσπαθούμε να δείχνουμε ανωτερώτητα???

    'Αντε μπράβο.


    Δεν λέω κι εγώ έχω φίλους Αλβανούς αλλά σέβονται το που μένουν και ποιος τους ταίζει.

    Και άμα όπως λέει στα Ελληνικά : εγώ θα ντρεπόμουν άμα ήμουν Έλληνας τότε να φύγει να πάει στην χώρα του και να κάνει μαλακίες.



    Pio tazizei re kolomwro kai esi, m mathate mia frasi kai m tin xrisimopoiheite sinexeia.Mipws dinete tsampa fagito stus Alvanus zwa kai dn to kserw?Douleyune kai vgazune to psomi tus, doulia, skliri doulia, pragma poy mamothreyta san esas dn tha katalafete pote tis simasia aytis tis lekseis.


    Trava stin Ameriki kai checkare posoi ellines einai ekei pera ilithie...Sas taizune oi Amerikanoi?


    oxi file. Apla de goustarw na akouw malakies apo enan pou den exei idea apo tin elliniki istoria.

    O sx den exei idea oute 8a apoktisei pote.


    Alithia? 19 Istoria zwaki, kai vazw to xeri m stin fwtia pws kserw polla perissotera apo osa ksereis esi, giayto voulwseto..


    Petame tin paparia mas, alla na tin stirizume kai kapoy, oxi oti akuw to lew xwris kan na kserw to ti krivete apo pisw...


    Ainte giati o kathenas petaei tin mlkia tu xwris na exei idea tis olhs katastasis..

  6. i ellada exei mia skata kibernisi. De simainei oti den exei istoria. 8ewreis oti i albania exei kibernisi?



    @haxor sta @@ an 8es mi diabazeis, an 8es katse na akous afta pou leei o sx pou einai ena kataka8i afti ti stigmi sti xwra kai mia pligi, i apadisi pou edwsa sto gerero peri istorias isxuei kai gia esena.


    Zwaki, i istoria poy eftiaksan oi Arxaioi, tin eftiaksan elpizontas na tin sinexisune oi apogonoi tus, alla genithikane kati zwa san esena kai katastrefune ayto poy legete "kratos" se aytin tin Xwra.

  7. i albania den einai xwra. Stratopedo tis ameriksi einai alla san exei afisei na xereste oti eiste xwra. Lipame pou prepei na ma8eis tin ali8eia apo emena alla etsi einai.


    Dp, dn xrwstaei omws tu kerata ta lefta se oli tin evrwpi kai se oli tin Asia kai apo tus Alvanus dn klevune tin simaia sta sxoleia opws kanume emeis edw...Tsimpa twra ayto edw pera, katse panw tu kai kamarwne tus alvanus na sikwnune tin simaia poy eprepe na sikwseis esi stis parelaseis:



  8. Epidi vrm na diavazw ola osa exete grapsei edw mesa, Vazese tsimpa ta ballakia m kai esi kai i xwra s kai ade QQ sas..

    Zwo, opws vrizeis esi tin dikia m, ta idia binelikia tha riksw kai egw stin dikia s, thes na m legete kai Ellinas enw dn ksereis kan tin istoria tis xwras s..

    Salta kai gamisu kai sta arxidia m to grafw to ban.Pet..

  9. Τι λε ρε παιδί μου σκιάχτηκα τώρα ! Όταν θα μάθεις να κάνεις flame πες το μου για να ασχοληθώ πάλι μαζί σου , έως τότε είσαι πολύ λίγος .


    Pes m poy meneis, kanw wreotata flame apo konta..

  10. Δε φταίω εγώ που είσαι Αλβανός ;/ Και να στο πω και πιο λιανά εμείς εδώ τους Αλβανούς τους έχουμε για να σπάνε πέτρες οπότε τράβα και εσύ μπας και προβιβαστείς από κατακάθι της κοινωνίας .


    Alla egw pianw pio polles gkomenes apo esena :/ QQ s mikre..

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