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About BlinK_

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  1. Does anyone know what Port variable on section of decrypted l2.ini file is for?
  2. Thank you. Worked like a charm. Would you happen to to what for is the Port entry in the \[url\] section of the decrypted l2.ini file. I thought client gets the port to which connect to through the login server. EDIT: I guess this is not the best place to ask this. If someone can help, please answer here: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=114922
  3. Thanks for this. I will test it and report if any bugs occur. I can't get one thing tho. I am trying to make my own l2j gracia epilogue server. So I configured and ran server just fine. Now comes the client part. I downloaded live gracia epilogue installer and updated it to latest revision. Then I tried any patched system directory from here and all of them did not work. I get gracia epilogue spalsh screen for a few seconds and the LineageII crash report pops up. Saying: What could be the problem? I was using the system folder downloaded from couble of topics. Mabe I need to overwrite original system folder with patched one?
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