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About FoooT

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  1. Btw... server forum opened
  2. Here you go:P
  3. Hello folks, April 24 Starting New Low rates Server L2 Phenomenal This server Was started 1 years ago online reached on start day is 1500 players.in this server you will see wery nice classes balance working all quest :) Easy gaming Many friendly players Join this server:) Www.L2pnl.com [L2J] Server rates : Experience multiplier RateXp = 10 Skill points multiplier RateSp = 10 Experience multiplier (Party) RatePartyXp = 1.5 Skill points multiplier (Party) RatePartySp = 1.5 RateConsumableCost = 1 RateDropItems = 2 RateRaidDropItems = 1 RateDropSpoil = 7 RateDropManor = 5 RateExtractFish = 5 RateKarmaExpLost = 1 RateSiegeGuardsPrice = 1 Quest item drop multiplier RateQuestDrop = 5 Exp/SP reward multipliers RateQuestRewardXP = 5 RateQuestRewardSP = 5 Adena reward multiplier RateQuestRewardAdena = 5 RateQuestReward = 5 RateQuestRewardPotion = 5 RateQuestRewardScroll = 5 RateQuestRewardRecipe = 5 RateQuestRewardMaterial = 5 Enchant Rates EnchantChanceWeapon = 60 EnchantChanceArmor = 60 EnchantChanceJewelry = 60 EnchantChanceElement = 50 BlessedEnchantChanceWeapon = 66 BlessedEnchantChanceArmor = 66 BlessedEnchantChanceJewelry = 66 EnchantMaxWeapon = 16 EnchantMaxArmor = 16 EnchantMaxJewelry = 16 EnchantSafeMax = 3 EnchantSafeMaxFull = 4 Technical information Processor NameIntel® Core i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz Total Memory4096 kB DDR3 1333 mHz Total Swap Memory8388608 kB 100 gb HDD 7200RPM 100mbps ethernet connection WWW.L2PNL.COM
  4. nice!!! good work
  5. no, i turn on admin just for SS but all players can attack each other :(
  6. Iget flag only then i attacking my faction then i kill other faction i dont get flag
  7. Hello guys, Long time i search Protection against DDos and i found wery good Protection and now i want to share this thing Here Download link(Official Site):http://www.pctools.com/firewall/ This fireWall help to protect against all attacks This program blocks all unauthorized programs for merging your IP
  8. Hey guys, I created Faction Type Server and now i have one problem in my server (Light Vs Dark) Dark can kill Dark and Light Can Kill Light Here is Screen Shot : Thank you guys for help and sory for my bad eanglish
  9. hello guys, some kids want to kill my server with Server atacker and they sending packets to my game server how i can protect? IP ban don't help they still flooding with proxy
  10. yeah but i waste many time :S
  11. Hello maxcheates, can someone share L2j Faction Pack with source here Thank you wery much if you help :)
  12. Hello maxcheates, can someone share L2j Faction Pack with source here Thank you wery much if yoou help :)
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