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About LifeOwner

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  1. Good but, how to use? files php who files edit? and who files edit for mysql connection??? can use my no-ip in 'Localhost'?
  2. look this need edit the skills and actions in Server/Data/Stats/Skills in xml language... don't know more but search it on the forum i beliveath have the guide for this...
  3. Eiparxoun kapoia last pack sto mxc ta opoia exoun kanei poly kalo work, twra analogos kai ti client 8es , opws interlude gia paradigma exei kapoia shares ta opoia einai me fixed kai kalo work, twra gia gracia dn kserw, gracia epilogue einai epishs poly kalo pack apo oti kserw tou l2jserver team! kane compile, http://www.l2jserver.com twra gia parakatw psakse lg sto forum gia svn...
  4. talk sure what you want for help you... you want code for the system? for the database? talk more info if you have..
  5. thx se olous :D ebala kai ligo effect gia na fenete omorfo elpoizw na sas arese :)
  6. Geia sas paidia, blepw polla pack exoun color pvp system, kserete PvP color kai PK color. Sxeytika na boh8isw me ena programma mou na mporeite na kanete poio efkola ta colors! Sthn ousia s dinei to CODE apo to xrwma pou exeis dialeksh! Ena efkolo programma kai xrisimo epishs (pisteuw). Photos: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Download Link: Color Namer For LineAge V1.0.rar [move]Cretits: LifeOwner[/move]
  7. Welcome to the best Cheating Forum, here can you find GOOD cheating programs, for games, do not forget, read the rules and posting! Have you a nice day, the Administrator from this Website are Maxtor.
  8. hahahaha megale :) nase kala re! hahahaha 8a kanw ena jcracker opote new Connection Cracking! :D elpoizw na dosei epitixeia to hack p 8a kanw idh to sxediazw :D k to ftoiaxnw :)
  9. ebala panw sto programma k sto how to to name m, e ok auto htan mia arxh sxediazw ena JCracker twra :) 8a sas pw poio analitika otan to kanw share (afou to exw fix na kanei tn douleia tou swsta) kai 8a sas pw poio analitika sto share me to pws douleuh, apla lg xrwnos gia na to ftoiaksw kalo :) elpoizw na helparw lg ta hacking haha :P thanks pantos :)
  10. work with bugs?? working with a protections?
  11. dn nwmizw ;/ soz alla file lg paralogo gia na poianei...
  12. thanks ;) 8a kanw k alla apla ekana mia arxh me auto, 8a kanw polla gia hacking apla xriazome thn katalilh sxepsh k sigetrosh na sindiasw ta connection k sigoura se java 8a paei paketo se off dn nwmizw na kataferw kati..
  13. nai :P sthn Visual Basic 6.0 Eixa ksexash na balw ena .DLL arxeio to fixara molis ;)
  14. Geia sas, exw ftoiaksei ena programa (Genika) gia na blepete Online/Offline enan server LineAge h kapoiou allou game alla exei testaristh se LineAge douleuh, kai se L2Off alla kai se L2J Photos: ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Download Link: Server Status V1.0.rar [PS]: Exw kai eikona pws na to diaxiristhte. [move]Gretits: LifeOwner[/move]
  15. Ok thx ;)
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