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Everything posted by Iveria

  1. lol kid , rates are safe 7 max 16 where is the problem?
  2. Thank you, we had a problems with some accounts login, although we just fixed it! 200+ Online , 1 day opened. New Web Site coming soon New Forum coming soon! Stay turned and enjoy , thnx
  3. L2 Iverion wiped today 14/January... many online come and test www.l2iverion.com
  4. www.l2iverion.com
  5. thank you all for the support, i hope we will get our numbers of players back. 150 Online and rising again. Server up, 1 hour
  6. After some issues our server had at 13.1.2010 , the only way was to make wipe... Server is back online now , full L2Storm Game & Login Server . We say a BIG sorry to all our players, but if u can see it as a Fresh start will be more fine . Server is opened 14.1.2010 !
  7. 250 Online and rising, Join us!
  8. 07/1/2010 , Update Ended Successfully! Lvl 81-83 skills working Balanced Classes (crazy tanks balanced) Much more added, join us at www.l2iverion.com !
  9. in 10 mins update to L2J Storm ending, check us out.
  10. yes post was before 2 days :) Enchant routes are not so hard though
  11. 250+ the evenings now 200+ 4 days opened
  12. ok if it is stupid dont play :) we have 250 on
  13. I didnt see over 2-3 armor/jewel parts +16 till now
  14. maybe we will remove tattoos, in 1 day that poll ending: http://l2iverion.com/forum/index.php?topic=62.msg322;boardseen#new
  15. Totaly wrong, classes are balanced and we try our best to have a good game play :) Don't forget is only 2 days server with 150+ Players online (Average number) rising daily.
  16. Hello, my server www.l2iverion.com looking for a core/datapack developer , specialized in skills fixing. CHR: Gracia final Server is online 1 day and some hours and have 100+ Players online, contact me with a pm here.
  17. The web is just fine .. www.l2iverion.com .. Any way 85 ppl on and rising!
  18. Raid respawn changed before server start, dominus forgot change the topic :) 80 ppl online and lag fixed.
  19. Site is in different machine than server. Anyway after 10 min downtime we have it online again to see/test if will lag again
  20. Look its normal to have some delay the european players because server is hosted in Dallas . As for the site , no its not play any roll its in other machine.
  21. no you are wrong , lag is fixed and classes are balanced...
  22. Dual box allowed/multibox allowed , just we do not allow walker /net programs > Safe:7 / Max: 16 60% chance 72% blessed chance
  23. 50 players online for start :) and the new Video trailer of our server with name The War is ready , you can veiw it here :
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