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Posts posted by DyingFate

  1. so everything is default.. that means the bugs also? or to be more specific.. does admin know more than how to follow a guide?


    also lol.. .info xD, why not spend 5$ and get an extension that doesnt make you look cheaper than a street bum with a bottle of wine =P (no offence, just an observation and to proove it.. i own this rofl l2wars.info)


    Do i know more than how to follow a guide... hrm... the fact I have the only epilogue faction server coded by myself must be some fluke huh?  Yah i must of downloaded it somewhere that no one has found  ::)


    A POS extention that barely does anything but advance c4?  Yeah no thanks.  Been there.  Done that.  I like the ability to make updates as needed instead of waiting for someone to come out with said fix.  I'm not some "newb" that's never done this before.  I know all about the C* extenders.  Personally, I think most of them are crap unless you're willing to go out and spend thousands of dollars on one.  And.. I'm not exactly into spending a lot of money on a dll file that I then have to wait to have any major bugs in it fixed.  If they get fixed at all.  And my ability to disassemble dll files is a bit hazy (not to mention my C coding is way below anything useable) so that takes care of me doing the edits.



    As for your post rozdex, I'm aware of the flaws of it.  Will I spend time fixing them?  Most likely.  I'm not going to say you're going to find it 100% like retail.  NO SERVER is 100% retail. Close sure.  100%? nah.  Not even the C4 OFF servers unaltered files are 100% accurate.


    Hell even C1 had its fair share of bugs.  Granted, most of those (I would hope to GOD) are ironed out by now but I'm not looking to run a OFF server.  Too many issues.

  2. Sunday's Updates -


    These updates will hopefully deal with the buffer in the merchant stone being anal and working half the time, finish introducing the new farming areas including adding "area bosses" into each, and do more work on the faction code itself to hopefully remove the bug that stops you from getting the "you cannot attack your faction" error that freezes you or causes you from not being able to gain a fortress.



    Also, on the faction server end of things, Lost Nest has been removed and replaced with our own custom 80+ group area. This area is really designed for groups (or people that can withstand 30+ raptors beating on you constantly), with the White dragon leader being the area boss. You can read mroe in the faction forums under Custom Areas.



  3. The server will be down for a reboot Wednesday at around 6AM PST for a quick reboot.


    This reboot will include the following updates and changes



    Geodata should be enabled - this completely depends on ram usage. If it's astronomical it will not be used. *note* it is enabled as of this edit.

    New 60-70 hunting ground added

    New 70-80 hunting ground added

    Lost Nest reopened for groups able to handle mass spawns

    (Last night) new npc - Merchant Stone - was released containing new buff options, and the shop feature.

    Shop altered for lower pricing, Festival Adena now worth a lot more.

    (Last Night) Caveners name color was changed to orange to be easier to see.



    Thing's being looked into -



    Having the dwarf crafter merchant npc spawn (that lasts for 3 minutes) be used as a First Aid station as it were (No, not healing etc). Allowing for fast reset of buffs (Fighter/Mage sets only) and selling of junk back to the merchant.

    Spoilers being allowed to spoil players (Sweep would still be required).



    These two ideas can be discussed in the Faction forums. Any OTHER ideas need to go into the features request area.



  4. So if u die in ketra, will you spawn in goddard? If you die in loa will you spawn in giran? If thats a yes to both answeres the server is already a fail...

    So... my entire comment that's the best you can say? And you say i fail.  Next time, come up with a better argument then.

  5. All you posting this doesn't work well no DUH.  Brute force hacking has been around for well over 20 years.  It was done back in the days before even the internet existed (though yes, i'm sure most people don't remember what a BBS is but meh i'm giving away my age ><).  For the most part you will ONLY get those that have passwords that use either dictionary words, or their own user name as the password as someone said earlier in this thread.  Otherwise, if their pasword has numbers and letters you will be waiting about 50-60 years for one account. So if you're waiting on a tutorial to help you speed this process up, it won't come anytime soon. Not to mention if you do this on a website, most use captcha now a days to protect from bots and so fourth, so you're pretty much SOL as well.  Learn to hack mysql and the base64 encryption for passwords THEN you'll be able to get somewhere :P

  6. Lol thats pretty stupid that no place is safe except fantasy island? Get ready for major lag in that area since thats were everyone will be -.-


    Also does that mean all the towns have no gm shop or anything else...

    This is a PvP server "not stand on the boarder of a town and keep gatehopping so you can't be killed" server.


    I own this server, flavio is one of my staff members.  I've done L2 servers since c1 PTS, both on L2OFF and L2J.  I KNOW about gate hoppers more than most people can even imagine.  I've delt with it with GM powers and without.  It's a huge annoyance and I know a LOT of players hate it.  Hell, when I was one of the main admins on one server, some days it would get so bad I'd shut off the peace zones.  Then those being little gate hopping cheaters wouldn't stand a chance and cry.  If you don't know how to battle then don't.  This is NOT a server for those that have no intention of fighting another player.


    If you're talking about major lag because everyone is in one zone then you should hate EVERY server.  EVERY server that doesn't even set a shopping area so to speak has giran become the major town of commerce.  Servers with thousands of people lag like a nightmare because hundreds are sitting in giran town square for shoppers.  There is no difference.  While FI has the GM shop it doesn't have every last thing you'd ever need.  Not to mention when the server goes faction, which will be happening soon, FI will become pointless.  There will be two bases and outside of that, nothing more.  Will there be a point to owning castles and forts I'm sure would be the next logical question.  And the answer is yes.  There will be things that even our primary shop won't provide.  This still allows for a player economy to exist.


    I am always open to suggestions which is why there is a feature request tracker in place.  As for the server specs it self - I don't give those out.  Why?  Because it changes as the needs of the server change.  When we become large enough, I'll update it to support more.  Till I have to start clustering servers to make things work then we'll buy more servers.  It's not difficult but it is difficult to keep all the ad threads up to date with current server specifications...

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