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About mariusakke

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  1. yes, i will try that and come back with updates. thanks allot
  2. Thank you very much, @MegaCheat , but this is for a single zone... i will like to have something i can use in multiple different zones / areas. Epics zones must have restrict to custom weapons and armors, lower farm zones restrict the higher farm zones items, etc
  3. Hello ! Can someone please help me create a code / script to unequip weapon ( by id ) if a player enters a farm zone ? For example ... you have 3 farm zones and each one gives more powerfull weapon..lets say weapon 1, 2 and 3. I would like to unequip the weapon 2 and 3 if you go to farm 1 zone with it. i use l2j sunrise h5 final rev data pack. Thank you
  4. Hello guys ! I was wondering if someone could help me in a problem. I would like to make a NPC that could summon a monster / raid boss if you have the needed items. As an example, i make a raid that drops Vesper Weapons, and in order to summon it you need to have 10 Adena, talk to the NPC, click the "Summon Raid" , the NPC gets the 10 adena needed and summons the raid boss. Edit : l2j sunrise, H5 Final Version. Thank you !
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