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Posts posted by superhacker

  1. xrisimopoiw to l2walker se freya server (www.l2noble.eu) kai ola leitourgoun swsta ektws apo ta follow settings,otan vazw ton buffer m na kanei follow apo to bot trww kick!

    mallon ftaiei h geodata tou server.

  2. i'm using l2jfree this no works for l2jfree? because i install still asking for quest  what quest is first time i saw this get buff need quest


    you must add the buffer into the scripts also so server can load them  you can do that  at data/scripts ( not the folder script the other file into data) and at line custon add custom/999_buffer\_int_.py and save and you will not have anymore this problem also that buffer have one more bugg the npc id is 40000 and the html into the folder is 40001 so change it into 40000 and c/p it at data/html/default and you are ready.

  3. i maked some changes in int.py to work in l2jserver couse now its for free for the ppl who have problem ( also i removed the line ( st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() ) witch is for  mp/hp restore after the buff couse i didnt know the code for l2jserver if somebody know tell me to update so the buffer works good but not restore hp/mp) ;)


    link: http://rapidshare.com/files/184611550/__init__.py.html

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