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About dulvlb4ss2

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  1. Well my idea is that the clan who wants a CH need another type of currency other than adena to keep, for example I of 30 items (3436) and the CH holds that only 30 days. For this, eh cast changes are: ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new FeeTask(), _paidUntil - _time); return; } L2Clan Clan = ClanTable.getInstance().getClan(getOwnerId()); - if (ClanTable.getInstance().getClan(getOwnerId()).getWarehouse().getAdena() >= getLease()) + if (ClanTable.getInstance().getClan(getOwnerId()).getWarehouse().getDonacion() >= getLease()) { if (_paidUntil != 0) { while (_paidUntil <= _time) _paidUntil += _chRate; } else _paidUntil = _time + _chRate; - ClanTable.getInstance().getClan(getOwnerId()).getWarehouse().destroyItemByItemId("CH_rental_fee", 57, getLease(), null, null); + ClanTable.getInstance().getClan(getOwnerId()).getWarehouse().destroyItemByItemId("CH_rental_fee", 3436, getLease(), null, null); if (Config.DEBUG) _log.warning("deducted " + getLease() + " adena from " + getName() + " owner's cwh for ClanHall _paidUntil: " + _paidUntil); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new FeeTask(), _paidUntil - _time); _paid = true; updateDb(); } else { _paid = false; if (_time > _paidUntil + _chRate) { if (ClanHallManager.getInstance().loaded()) { AuctionManager.getInstance().initNPC(getId()); ClanHallManager.getInstance().setFree(getId()); Clan.broadcastToOnlineMembers(SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.THE_CLAN_HALL_FEE_IS_ONE_WEEK_OVERDUE_THEREFORE_THE_CLAN_HALL_OWNERSHIP_HAS_BEEN_REVOKED)); } else ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new FeeTask(), 3000); } else { updateDb(); SystemMessage sm = SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.PAYMENT_FOR_YOUR_CLAN_HALL_HAS_NOT_BEEN_MADE_PLEASE_MAKE_PAYMENT_TO_YOUR_CLAN_WAREHOUSE_BY_S1_TOMORROW); sm.addNumber(getLease()); Clan.broadcastToOnlineMembers(sm); if (_time + (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) <= _paidUntil + _chRate) ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new FeeTask(), _time + (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)); else ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new FeeTask(), (_paidUntil + _chRate) - _time); } } } GetDonacion add here that would be the verification of my item inside the Wherehouse 3436 ################################################################################ /L2J_Server/java/com/l2jserver/gameserver/model/itemcontainer/ItemContainer.java ################################################################################ + public long getDonacion() + { + long count = 0; + + for (L2ItemInstance item : _items) + { + if (item != null && item.getItemId() == 3436) + { + count = item.getCount(); + return count; + } + } + } Obviously also change the table "ClanHall" so that all lines in "Lease" this would have (1) a daily quota q need to keep the CH. Well after I get these constantly changes the sign of devotion and never pay deducts the item from werehouse 3436. Disclaimer: I did the item stackeable 3436. --Any contribution is well recieved and thanks in advance --Sorry for my English.
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