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About maniac25

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Sorry i correct code, there was mistake in $48:pck48:=pck; !!! this corect line
  2. this is text for hlapex's script make .txt copy text below to it , and than rename it to .pas , run halpex and chose this script and enjoy yourself=) //Invisible Mode var pck48:string; hidden:boolean; i,x,y:integer; procedure Init; begin hidden:=false; pck48:=''; randomize; end; procedure SendMsg(msg:string); begin buf:=#$4A; WriteD(0); WriteD(2); WriteS('hLaPEx'); WriteS(msg); SendToClient; end; begin if FromServer then exit; case ord(pck[1]) of $1B:case ord(pck[2]) of $05: begin SendMsg('invisible_mode: Off'); pck:=#$30; hidden:=false; end; $06: begin if pck48='' then exit; SendMsg('invisible_mode: On'); hidden:=true; pck:=pck48; i:=2; x:=ReadD(i); y:=ReadD(i); x:=x+1000+round(random*200)-100; y:=y+1000+round(random*200)-100; buf:=pck; WriteD(x,2); WriteD(y,6); pck:=buf; end; end; $48:pck48:=pck; $30:if hidden then pck:=''; end; end. © Hint
  3. i have 1 question how we can find another id of location ?
  4. in Pts halpex work really bad((
  5. i have 1 question, this just clien change? so we can fly or not???
  6. you can't make money buy hlapex and thats all)
  7. it wouldn't work you juct change icon! But information on server wouldn't change...
  8. It's new PVP server without any donators or something same. GooG GM and People play there! Enjoy your game! Play with us) http://lineage2s.com
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