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About LagunaMID

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  1. We are not l2j and not l2off. What I should do?
  2. http://www.L2Laguna.net two servers HIGH (x4999) and MID (x100)
  3. Hello players. We are happy to announce, that we are ready to start our mid-rates Gracia Final server called Laguna MID. Why player should choose us? Because we are the best in current private servers. First of all, we do not using L2j. Second, we guarantee high server stability and many working features. -Max character level - 85, subclass - 80. -Experience, SP, Adena, Drop, Spoil rates is x100, Raid Boss Drop is x50, Grand Boss Jewelry drop is x3, Quest Drop, Quest reward and Fishing Reward is x5. -Working Vitality system that boosts your experience gain. -New Herbs system with new herbs added. Herbs duration is 5 minutes. -Almost full Gracia Final client support. -Almost all C1-CT2.3 skills (Including Improved Buffs for Supports and Vanguard/Inquisitor for Tanks/Healers). -Cursed Weapons system -Augmentation system (for weapons and jewelry) -Class Master NPC. First profession is free of charge, second profession costs 1.5 millions of Adena, third profession costs 50 millions of Adena and 50 Ketra and Varka badges (you can get this badges by doing quest in Ketra and Varka regions). -Function .xpon and .xpoff (After using .xpoff you will not receive any Experience) -Working all C1-CT2 regions (Including Hellbound Isle, all Instanced Dungeons, Isle of Prayer, Kamaloka, Pailaka) -Monsters statistics and droplists are updated to match retail servers -Noblesse, Olympiad and Hero systems. -New race Kamael with working professions, skills, ability to become an Noblesse and Hero. -All C1-CT1.5 Raid Bosses and Grand Bosses with status, drops and AI -Fame system -Custom NPCs in game: Drop Calculator (helps searching monster, that drops item you needed), Delevel manager (Delevels your character by 1 level) -Working events: TvT, CTF, DM -And many more features waiting for you in game. http://www.l2laguna.net Server start - 20 November, 18:00 Server is International.
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