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Posts posted by M[a]nny

  1. Hello,


    i am using Infinite Odyssey Underground client. Is there any way how to change enchant values? I mean when you enchant for example crossbow, you get +7 P. Atk and +5 M. Atk.

    I am looking for way how to change it to any other value. I know how to change it in server-side, but i need to change it in client in order to show correct values.

  2. Please provide your armorgrp.dat if you can.

    Perhaps I can provide some help on this.

    Hello, syncia. I have the same problem as the creator of the topic. I have Lineage II: Inifinite Odyssey Underground client.


    My Armorgrp.dat is uploaded here: http://rgho.st/8hW9CfYWJ

    My Armorgrp.ddf is uploaded here: http://rgho.st/76jdgVNNZ


    I am able to decrypt and open Armorgrp.dat but I am not able to encrypt the file again. I am using the latest L2 FileEdit by Miko and I am encrypting retail original Armorgrp.dat without any changes. It doesn't work and L2asm returns this error:


    MTX[123] field 'm_HumnFigh' must have both soft limits set (-1 / -1).
    Post-parse init failed (check ddf file 'convert\ddf\armorgrp.ddf').
    Thank you for any kind of help.
  3. I've tested L2j Archid and i think there is no working olympiad and fishing... (maybe there is more things, I haven't tested all). Is that true or i have another version?


    And to the L2j Equal... i like it but mobs are moving very bad (ice walking) ... it is caused by core-bug (there is only one variable taken from mysql and that is runspeed instead of runspeed and walkspeed). So if the move in non-agro movement, they walks very fast.

  4. Hi,


    I'd like to create IL server with my own custom modifications. I've found L2j Equal and now I'm testing it. But as I see there is more projects so I really don't know what to choose (what is the best and the most secure). The main thing is security for me, so I need server where other people would not run phx or hlapex. I have read about this Equal project and it looks like secure but i'm not sure... can anybody give me advice in this?


    Thanks for answers anyway.

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