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Everything posted by carlosperoxo

  1. Where are the admin for the shit that banean only criticize the work you do is for this camuno so you can play welcome
  2. yes yes unete invite your friends to our community
  3. Welcome To Comunity Hebigames Votar Top 200 http://www.gamesites200.com/lineage2/in.php?id=16056 XP = 1000x SP = 1000x ADENA = 1000x ENC. WEAPON = 60% ENC. ARMOR = 60% MAX ENC. = +20 SAFE = +4 Chance PK Drop Ropa = 35% PK DROP Arma = 80% Server Interlude and GF CPU: Dedicado Server 8GB Ram 1000MB Conaxion Web Site: www.hebigames.com Servers: Online
  4. Very God Comunidad.!
  5. Server Is Online mens.
  6. Online.........................
  7. Server Online.. 0 lagggggggggggg 1000MB Conexion Online 20/12/2009
  8. Welcome To Comunidad Hebigames Votar Top 200 http://www.gamesites200.com/lineage2/in.php?id=16056 XP = 1000x SP = 1000x ADENA = 1000x ENC. WEAPON = 60% ENC. ARMOR = 60% MAX ENC. = +20 SAFE = +4 Chance PK Drop Ropa = 35% PK DROP Arma = 80% Server Interlude and GF CPU: Dedicado Server 8GB Ram 1000MB Conaxion Web Site: www.hebigames.com Servers: Online
  9. Welcome To L2Venezuela :P XP = 1000x SP = 1000x ADENA = 1000x ENC. WEAPON = 60% ENC. ARMOR = 60% MAX ENC. = +16 SAFE = +7 Chance PK Drop Ropa = 35% PK DROP Arma = 80% L2Vnzla-Pvp INTERLUDE INFOS <li>GMShop Con 100% Items a la venta</li> <li>Gatekeeper Gratuita en todas las ciudades</li> <li>NPC Buffer Gratuito En todas las ciudades y con todos los buffer </li> <li>NPC Skill Enchanter </li> <li>NPC Multi Warehouse</li> <li>Cambio de Clase Gratiuto en el npc , en las ciudades</li> <li>Subclasses Quest - Máximo 3 Subclasses</li> <li>Sieges 100% Funcionando</li> <li>Olympiadas 100% Funcionando</li> <li>Buffs 2 Horas - 3 Barras (24 Slots)</li> <li>Eventos Automáticos - TvT - CTF - DM - FOS</li> <li>Eventos en fin de semana</li> <li>Algunos Items Custom</li> <li>Custom Area de mobs</li> <li>Cazamientos</li> <li>Madalena( Donator Trader);</li> <li>-Gato de Classe);</li> <li>-GK Global</li> <li>-Cheetara(Thandera's GK);</li> <li>-Minnie(Shop No grade);</li> <li>-Pateta(Shop D);</li> <li>-Fiona(Shop C);</li> <li>-Mickey(Shop A);</li> <li>-Dumbo(Shop S);</li> <li>-Dunga(Potions y Dyes);</li> <li>-NPC BUFFER</li> <li>-Andromeda(Wedding);</li> <li>-Bento XVI(Papa);</li> <li>-Habilidades(Enchant Skill);</li> <li>-Joana(Donator Weapons);</li> <li>-Jack Sparrow(Trader Monedas);</li> <li>-ChucK Norris(Crafter Trader).</li> CPU: :) Dedicado Server 8GB Ram 1000MB Conaxion ;) Web Site: www.l2vnzla.net/l21 Server Online 18/12/2009...! ;D
  10. Yes yes yes online
  11. * Lineage II: The Chaotic Throne: Interlude, Official features: * All areas working, * All skills working, * Geodata working, * Fusion skills working, * 7-Sings working, * Clan system working, * Augumentation system working, * Single and party duel working, * Cursed weapons working, * Castle sieges working, * Clan Hall sieges working, * 28 buff slots, * 10 Debuff sl Server Rate: * EXP: 100x, * SP: 100x, * DROP: 10x, * SPOIL: 20x, * ADENA: 200x, Unique features: * Primeval Island as PARTY farming area, - S grade Weapons/Moonlight Coins/Moonlight Stones - Sailren Unique RB whos dropping Moonlight Armor parts & much more! * EF as solo zone (exp boosted), - Moonlight Stones - Shax Unique RB whos dropping Moonlight Coins/Stones/Moonlight Weapon * Spawn Protection * NPC Buffers - 2h buffs, - Prophecies 1h * Global Gatekeeper, * Auto learn skills, * Anti Buff Shield (toggle skill that blocks all unwanted buffs), * Giran as Main town, * Class Changer, *Quest Sub classs ( Acumulative) * pag web: www.l2unitted.ve.vg
  12. Yes Yes. Online 24 Hr
  13. Server Low Rate Is Online... Online.... Good Playing :D
  14. Server Gracia Final www.l2united.net Rates: Exp/SP: x3 Party Exp/SP: x2 Adena/Drop/Spoil: x4 (Include Amount and Chance) Quest Drop: x2 Quest Reward: x3 NPC Class Changer Only to 1st and 2nd Change, 3rd Class by Quest. Safe enchant +3 Safe enchant full armor +4 Max enchant unlimited. Enchant Rates: Normal Scroll: Armor, Weapon, Jewel 76% Blessed Scroll: Armor, Weapon, Jewel 86% Max Recipes Dwarf can read: 100 Max Inventory slots for Dwarf: 120 | Others: 100 Weight Limit: x2 Donations only by Hair Accesories. Dual Box Allowed. our server will soon be online Hosting: 12GB Ram 1TB Disco Duro 100megas Conexion Support carlos@l2united.net Interlude Welcome to www.L2united.net Rates: Exp/Sp/Adena: x1000 Drop/Spoil: x4 ==============Armaduras============== Plasmatic = Stats 5 Vesper Gold = Stats 4 Vesper Silver = Stats 3 Dynasty = Stats 2 Titanium = Stats 1 ============================ ==============Weapon============== Vesper = Stats 3 Icarus = Stats 2 Dynasty = Stats 1 Dual's Custom ============================ ==============Acesorios============== Baium Hair Zaken Swords Zaken CHapeu Mascaras Tvt funcionando . cada 1 hora Olimpiadas Funcionando cada 15 dias Sub class freee Todos los mostros del juego drop items custom Zona de pvp en la GK. Raid boss Zobe Raid Boss Drop. Items Custom, Npc_Buffer Gmshop. Gk, Global *Intel C2Q Q9550 2.83Gh * 8192 MB DDR2 RAM * 500 GB 7.200 RPM * 2000 GB Traffic p/m * 100 Mbbs up/down Link L2 United Interlude Anuncios Proximamente nuevo servidor Interlude: El proximo Sabado 7 de Noviembre A LAS 14 HORAS sera la apertura![/color Visita el Foro para mas informacion Forum http://board.l2united.net/ Support carlos@l2united.net
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