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About mori

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  1. L2net is not working on retial because gamegaurd cheacks now the hosts file.
  2. thx for the post
  3. Thare is only 1 problem the l2.exe doesnt start but it also doesnt close l2walker or the needle patcher so thare is still a small problem i think.
  4. fu rootkit https://www.rootkit.com/vault/fuzen_op/FU_Rootkit.zip your virus scaner wil probly go crazy doh.. its a rootkit but as you can see the link comes from a website you can trust and here a tutorial 1):download fu_rootkit... 2): take it out of the rar into the desktop (rename the folder as "rootkit" so the process is easier) 3): go to the exe folder get fu.exe and msdirectx cut it and put fu.exe and msdirectx into the fu folder ( note that inside fu_rootkit folder u have 3 subfolders (exe - sys - fu) 4):open the aimbot 5): go to start.. then run then wirte cmd 6);it should be like this cdocuments and settings\administrator 7 write cd desktop and now is like this: cdocuments and settings\administrator\desktop 8): write cd rootkit and now is like this: cdocuments and settings\administrator\desktop\rootkit 9): write cd fu and now: cdocuments and settings\administrator\desktop\rootkit\fu\ 10):ok now lets see the process: when u get here youll write fu -pl 200..and lots of proccess should come out... System, SMSS,CSRSS,SERVICES,LSASS,Explorer, and the l2walker are the ones we are looking for.... notice that besides each one you got some numbers these numbers u gonna use it so keep it in mind. 11): example u notice that system has number 504 so what u do is write: cdocuments and settings\administrator\desktop\rootkit\fu\fu -ph 504 <-- now that process is hidden.....and youll keep doin it with the others process i presented to you before.. every time u hide a process u get the same line to write:cdocuments and settings\administrator\desktop\rootkit\fu\ <-- so u go get the number for the other process and keep doing it until u are done.... then enter gb and u have it... i did not writed this the tutorial and this tutorial whas for a other bot then lineage 2 but you get the idea how the rootkit works
  5. I got a open source rootkit that allows me to hide procces So i can hide l2walker but when i do start l2.exe nothing happends ? Does eny 1 know why?
  6. To neznayu works this still of gdenibud' or not but vsezhe I will describe it can komunibud' it will help. Thus by us to again be necessary our dear program ArtMoney let us y)zakhodim through client LA2 the 2)zapuskayem ARTMONI.vybirayem lineage2 in processes of 3)v to game shityu bizhim to VKH we begin dialogue pochtal'enom it is selected Deposit Freight ya)kladem into the message it is permitted 100 krisatollov Q of greyd of 5)v Artmoni we harvest to search for 100 crystals (4 bit) 6)v to game to dokladyvam into the message of the 50 additional crystals of 7)v Artmoni we harvest to otseit' 150 crystals 8)poluchayem from 1 to 3 value * 9)perenosim these values into the right post and in each value de napisno 150 we write -1. y0)zhdem when with -1 to change for the large sum something type 427983217 let us yy)zakhodim into the game and videm that at the message lie -1 crystals Q of greyd y2)zhmem to it 2 times kakbudto we want to take away a little crystals we conversely and write for example 99.999.daleye we harvest OK ye)otkryvayem inventory and o! God in me appeared the crystals To primechaniye:Dyupat' is possible only stopkovye pridmety! ENTIRE COMA IT HELPED WE HARVEST THANKS V BY RIGHT LOWER ANGLE!! this is what babbelfish gives not much so we need a rus :wink:
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